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Traffic – Hamburg – Experts advise on automated and networked driving – Economy

Hamburg (dpa/lno) – Experts and Hamburg’s traffic authority exchanged views at a specialist congress on the test track for automated and networked driving in the Hanseatic city. Findings and experiences of the past four years were presented. Transport Senator Anjes Tjarks (Greens) opened the all-day event on Friday.

Hamburg has been installing, operating and evaluating a test track for automated and connected driving in the city center since 2018. According to the traffic authority, more than 2000 test drives with cars, minibuses, e-scooters and cargo bikes have been completed since then. Research institutions, vehicle manufacturers and technology companies used the route.

More than 70 traffic lights and the Mahatma Gandhi Bridge in Hafencity have been equipped with intelligent communication units, according to the traffic authority. In this way, the traffic lights could communicate with each other and with the vehicles. The project is funded by the Federal Ministry of Transport. Among other things, autonomous bus journeys, a traffic light phase assistant, a monitoring system and a navigation system for visually impaired people were demonstrated at the specialist event along the test track.

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