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Traffic Disruptions and Road Closure on A1 Motorway: Road Sanitation Works and Renovation Projects

From July 10 to August 13, 2023, vehicles will not be able to travel on the A1 motorway in the direction of Paris-Lille, in the Ronchin-Lesquin sector, due to road sanitation works and renovation works. of art. This Monday morning, traffic was already disrupted on several axes.

For the first day of closure of the A1 motorway, traffic problems are to be reported at the start of the morning. The renovation work which begins this Monday, July 10, 2023 causes 12 km traffic jams between Phalempin and Ronchin at 8:15 a.m., which did not decrease by mid-morning. Traffic difficulties are also announced on the A23 between Orchies and Lezennes with 14 km of traffic jams, and on the A27 between Grison and Lezennes.

Longer than usual traffic jams during rush hour according to the first conclusions of the interdepartmental direction of northern roads (DIR Nord), which also indicates a situation catastrophic compared to the heavy traffic usually observed during the rush hour on Monday mornings.

Difficult traffic towards Vendeville, due to the closure of the A1. • © France Televisions. Mr Vanlaton

From Paris

The main diversion is to go through the east of the city by joining the RN227, the A22 motorway then the RN356 towards Lille. Another version of the route is proposed, passing on the other side of the metropolis thanks to the north-west bypass M652 towards Dunkirk.

During the works, two ramps will not be accessible: the link from the M48 to the A1, and the link from the A22 to the A1.

From the M48

The deviation recommends following the M48, towards Lezennes, and continuing on the M146, then the M506 towards Villeneuve-d’Ascq to find the RN227, in order to find the main deviation.

From the common trunk A22

Here, it is rather a question of managing to turn around. To do this, the detour indicated is to continue on the A22 connecting ramp towards A1 Paris, then to make a U-turn at the level of the interchange 20 at Lesquin, and find the main detour route.

Bypass the metropolis

To avoid traffic jams in the south of the metropolis, and completely bypass the agglomeration, relief routes are also indicated. For users coming from the south and bound for Belgium, it is advisable to take the A2. For vehicles heading north or west of Lille, it is recommended to opt for the A26 or the A21, then following the RN47 and the RN41.

This summer, the A1 motorway will be inaccessible for more than a month. From July 10 to August 13, 2023, the DIR Nord is continuing its repair work on the A1, at Ronchin in the direction of Paris-Lille, already started last May. This work is part of the multi-year program, which will also continue in 2025 and 2026, with a break in the construction site in 2024, due to the Paris Olympic Games (OG).

With a budget of 8.25 million euros for 2023, the work carried out on the common trunks of the A1 and A22 aims to rehabilitate and clean up 115,000 m² of roadways, and to renovate seven bridges. The road and the aging works of art, several emergency interventions had to be carried out this winter, due to the climatic conditions. Especially since, according to the Nord prefecture, this section of motorway supports traffic of 100,000 vehicles per day, 200,000 in both directions, including 13% heavy goods vehicles.

#Closure #recommended #routes #avoid #traffic #jams

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