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Traffic chase in Oradea: A “blind” drunk driver was…

A resident of Oradea who got behind the wheel drunk on Friday was filmed while doing a slalom on the road, hitting the parapets between the roadway and the sidewalk. The recording was made by a BIHOREAN reader, who, after finishing work, wanted to go home. But his weekend got off to a thrilling start with a traffic chase…

On Friday evening, around 5:30 p.m., the Oradean called a Bolt car to go home. “When we started from the office, from Tiglarilor Street, in front of us was a man behind the wheel of a red Volkswagen and he seemed to have problems, he was doing a slalom. At the intersection with Velența Street, he couldn’t even turn, he hit the parapets that it separates the road from the sidewalk,” explained the Oradean.

The Bolt driver, aware that the one in front of him could be a danger not only to himself, but also to other traffic participants, drivers and pedestrians alike, asked his passenger for permission to follow him.

At the same time, he immediately called 112 to report the incident, but also the route on which the Volkswagen in front of him was traveling.

“After we crossed the bridge, he turned onto Căprioarei street, and at the end of it, towards Rampei street. Here, in the end, he realized that he was being followed and stopped behind a truck. Then I saw that we were not the only ones following him . Another car stopped behind us, a woman got out of it and told us that the Volkswagen driver hit her car. And she had called 112 to report the incident,” the reader said BIHOREAN.

The driver, who was visibly drunk, got out of the car and tried to negotiate with them, to let him go. “He kept telling us to be amicable, he didn’t know who he hit, how. The driver from Bolt, an officer from the Oradea Penitentiary, behaved impeccably, he even managed to make him put the key in the car, not to leave “, said the native of Oradea.

In the submitted record BIHOREANthe conversation between the driver Bolt and the 112 dispatchers can be heard, in which he asks them to take urgent measures because “this man must be stopped, otherwise he will leave himself with victims”, but also how, later, he asks the drunk driver to leave the car key on hood, for fear of leaving before the police arrived.

It is certain that, in a short time, two police crews arrived at the scene, and took over the tormented driver.

“The driver is a 63-year-old man from Oradea who, while driving a car on Seleusului street, did not secure himself properly when changing the direction of travel to Căprioarei street and crashed into another car. After the event, he continued his journey, being spotted on Rampei street by the traffic policemen”, he declared on Friday evening for Bihor the spokesperson of the Bihor Police, chief commissioner Alina Fărcuţa.

According to her, following the on-site testing, the breathalyzer indicated an alcohol level of 1.17 per thousand of alcohol in the exhaled air.

As such, the Oradean was taken to the Bihor County Forensic Medicine Headquarters, and then to the Oradea Traffic Police, where he was charged with a criminal case for driving a car under the influence of alcoholic beverages.

<video controls="controls" controlslist="nodownload" src="https://www.ebihoreanul.ro/modules/imagegallery/files/video_beat_la_volan_strada_caprioarei_oradea_1.mp4" style="height:auto; max-width:100%" width="450"> video>

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