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Traditionalist Pilgrimage from Chartres to Paris: Thousands Gather for Mass

Several thousand pilgrims gathered on Saturday, May 27 in the morning, departing from Chartres, for the traditionalist pilgrimage organized by the Priestly Society of Saint Pius X.

This announces 6,000 participants, this Monday, May 29, on arrival in Paris, in procession from the crossroads of the Cascades du Bois de Boulogne to Place Vauban, where the closing mass of the pilgrimage will be celebrated, at the foot of the Saint-Louis-des-Invalides cathedral.

A figure sensitive to that of last year, but “constantly increasing for years”, specifies the organization.

It is the great crossover of pilgrims to Chartres

The pilgrimage began on Saturday morning, with a mass celebrated on the forecourt of Chartres Cathedral, by Father Jean-Yves Tranchet. Traditional pilgrims still do not have the right to celebrate Mass under the Tridentine rite in Chartres Cathedral since the schism between Monsignor Lefebvre and the Vatican in 1988.

Between 4,500 and 5,000 pilgrims departing from Chartres, for the traditionalist pilgrimage organized by the Priestly Society of Saint Pius X.

Last year, the Bishop of Chartres, Mgr Christory went to meet the pilgrims before mass in Chartres on Saturday morning. In addition, the diocese opens the cathedral earlier that day, so that pilgrims can enter before leaving for Paris. The Beatitudes, the courage of holiness, the audacity of Christianity, such is the theme chosen this year.

Distances with the Holy See

Founded in 1970 in Ecône (Switzerland) by the French bishop Marcel Lefebvre, the Priestly Society of Saint Pius X (FSSPX) is the most important fundamentalist Catholic movement, standing against the Second Vatican Council (1962-1965). She immediately marked her distance from the Holy See, refusing to “follow Rome with a neomodernist and neo-Protestant tendency”, born, according to her, of this council whose ecumenism and desire to open the Church to modern world and diversity. His masses celebrated in Latin, with the priest turning his back on the faithful, often symbolize his resistance to liturgical evolution.

In 1975, the SSPX lost its canonical recognition by the Catholic Church. A year later, its founder was sanctioned after having ordained thirteen priests, and the rupture was consummated in 1988, when Archbishop Lefebvre (who died in 1991) consecrated four bishops without the authorization of John Paul II, a challenge struck with excommunication. until it was canceled in 2009 by Pope Benedict XVI.

Francois Feuilleux

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