Recently, for the first time in three years, the traditional Styrian New Year’s reception for representatives of the local media landscape and those responsible for communication from business, politics, administration and interest groups took place. LH Christopher Drexler and LH Deputy Anton Lang welcomed more than 100 guests in the White Hall of Graz Castle. The state councilors Juliane Bogner-Strauß, Barbara Eibinger-Miedl, Doris Kampus and Ursula Lackner and the state councilors Werner Amon and Hans Seitinger did not miss the opportunity for a social and informal get-together, nor did the second president Gabriele Kolar and the third president on the part of the state parliament Gerald Deutschmann, together with the club officials Barbara Riener, Hannes Schwarz, Mario Kunasek and Niko Swatek. “Even though we live in difficult times, I want to focus on hope, confidence and optimism as we look forward to 2023. Looking back at the corona pandemic shows us that our society is strong enough to overcome crises and find solutions to difficult challenges. In this time of uncertainty and the general loss of trust, it is all the more important for us in Styria to continue to work closely and trustingly together and we will keep this common New Year’s resolution in 2023,” said the governor.