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Trading Sundays 2020. Is August 16 a trading Sunday? Where will you shop? All trading Sundays in 2020: August 15, 2020

Is Sunday August 16 commercial? And if not – remember, you can do the shopping, but not in large stores. The suspension of the Sunday trading ban is still possible, but only a draft bill is being consulted, which would make all Sundays trading again – for the duration of the coronavirus and six months after the pandemic is called off. For now, however, there are going to be hard days in trading, starting from Thursday through Monday, August 17. Why?

These are very difficult days to trade and shop. The holiday of August 15 falls this year on Saturday. It means several things.
First, there is a trading ban on Saturdayso stores will be closed. And this is more than on a Sunday with a ban on trading, because merchants who have the right to choose to work on days with a ban on Sunday trading exercise this right and open shops, but a significant part of them rest on holidays.
Second, many companies had long planned that Friday would be a day off – mainly due to the fact that, according to the Labor Code, when a holiday falls according to the calendar on a non-working day, the employee has the right to compensation during work in the form of another day off. Most companies chose the Friday before Saturday, August 15. But – attention! – some were placed on Monday, August 17. This makes as many as four days different than usual.
Thirdly, taking advantage of free Friday and holidays on Saturdays and Sundays, as well as beautiful weather, many people have planned long weekend with attractions.

Fourth and finally, according to tradition, the holidays are mainly two-week long and it is in the middle of August that the “change of stay” falls., some Poles will come back and some will leave, which also gives rise to its complications. Those who come back, for example, will have empty refrigerators and will surely join the queues in stores on the weekend and on Monday.
When planning big purchases these days, it is worth keeping all of this in mind!

Non-trading Sunday

When it is a Sunday with a trade ban, small shops or shops remain at gas stations. It is true that the government has suspended some of the regulations on the ban on working on Sunday trade, but now shops are open on Sundays and traders are working. It’s just that without customers; because they have the right to work only for the purpose of receiving the goods and preparing them for Monday sale. However, there is a chance to suspend the trade ban – there is even a draft law ready. How is it next Sunday?

Large stores will be closed on August 16, because this Sunday is of the category – Sunday with no trade. However, small shops or shops at gas stations will be open and you can stock up on almost all basic items. That’s why big shopping had to be done on Saturday. or with purchases at discounters such as Lidl, Biedronka or Mila or in a supermarket or in a shopping mall, however, you have to wait at least until Monday. And when will the next trading Sunday be?

So far, there is hope for trading on all Sundays

Employers who are a party to the Social Dialogue Council have prepared a draft law suspending the ban on Sunday trading pending the declaration of the coronavirus pandemic plus six months after the lifting of the epidemic. At the RDS forum, they will urge the government and the union side representing employees to implement the provisions of the law. It will not be easy, although the announced recession – a decline in GDP by 5 or even 13 percent. in 2020 and a deficit exceeding the constitutional 50 percent. GDP, perhaps force the government to make concessions.
Earlier, such a solution was appealed to the government by the Lewiatan Confederation, and in its report presenting the Polish government with suggestions on how to combat the economic effects of the coronavirus pandemic, similar suggestions to support the retail sector by temporarily suspending the trade ban on Sunday were also suggested by the global OECD organization.

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When there is a trade ban on Sunday, you can do large shopping either after work during the week, or devote a lot of time to it on Saturday. On Sunday, of course, small local shops can still trade, and you can also do shopping at a gas station. But prices are understandably higher there and the choice of goods is smaller than, for example, in popular discount stores such as Biedronka or Lidl.

Shopping on Sunday, August 16

Unfortunately, on Sunday, August 16, none of this. Neither on the following August 23 is there any question of shopping in a mall, gallery or any other store other than one run only by the owner or where the seller is a family member. Only on the last Sunday of August will be a trading Sunday …
The only chance for a change in this trading calendar is the swift adoption of the law suspending the Sunday trading ban, but the chances of it taking effect during the summer holidays are slim.

Shopping Sundays 2020

Here is the full list of the seven trading Sundays in 2020:
January – 26.01
February – None
March – None
April – 5.04 and 26.04
May – Break
June – 28.06
July – None
August – 30.08
September – None
October – None
November – None
December – 13.12 and 20.12

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Shopping on Sunday, August 16

What to do with large purchases when Sunday is no trade? If we do not want to overpay in small shops open on Sunday, there are basically two solutions: switch to large purchases made on working days or make large purchases over the Internet.

The first solution seems obvious in principle, but may be difficult to implement. If we already have a tight schedule of classes, including work that requires us to be active in theoretically free hours, finding a few hours for large purchases can be difficult. Of course, it would be easiest to choose the day and hours “hard” and stick to them. Improvisation in busy people rarely works in practice.
On the other hand, shopping via the Internet is a much more flexible solution, but available only where such stores operate, much worse in smaller towns – even if the courier delivers, delivery costs may question the economic viability of such a solution.
Besides, despite all advertisements and promotions, if you analyze the offer well, it will turn out that most products are more expensive than in discount stores or supermarkets. Especially if the online store offers free delivery.
Maybe a mixed strategy? We have to get used to the idea that large shopping Sundays are an exception. On this day, several times a year, at most, we will make large purchases on a bonus basis. However, on a daily basis when it comes to shopping, you have to act as if there was no Sunday at all in the calendar.
Wherever online shopping is possible, it is worth adopting a mixed strategy of combining online and traditional shopping. The latter in one of two options – on Saturday or during the week at a discount store or supermarket, or at the most convenient time for you, not forgetting Sunday, in nearby shops (gas stations), which the trade ban avoids!

And on Sunday, August 16?
On 45 Sundays, which are forbidden in 2020, shopping in a local store or at a gas station is left on Sundays. In both places you can even make large purchases, but the prices there are much higher than in Lidl or in Biedronka.

Also on Sunday, August 16, 2020, it is in these places that you should look for shopping opportunities. There are even large Żabka stores, which additionally provide postal serviceswhich allows them to take advantage of the loophole in the Sunday trading ban, which also allows such shops to trade on banned Sundays. Since not only the owners and members of their immediate families can work in them on Sundays – as is the case with all standard stores authorized to trade, also subject to the ban on Sundays – the range of products available here may be incomparably larger than in a local store. The same applies to prices – they can be lower than in a local store, due to the fact that Żabki belongs to a common network and conducts a common purchasing policy, obtaining better wholesale prices than individual buyers.

Trading ban on Sunday 2020. What’s next?

Three questions remain open:

  1. Will we learn to shop at merchants instead of chains?
  2. Will we stop thinking about shopping at all on Sunday?
  3. Will the PiS government break and liberalize regulations, restoring trade on Sundays?

Good to know, click!

Trade ban on Sunday 2020. Time for local stores

Shops run only by the owner on Sunday, plus possibly immediate family members, will now pass the real truth test. When trading Sundays are close to nothing, we either get into the habit of buying in small shops or forget about them eventually. It must be more expensive with merchants, because they too pay high wholesale prices when purchasing goods. And they have to earn to keep the store and their own. When they add to the prices at which they bought the goods, they certainly cannot compete even with Carrefour, not to mention Biedronka or Lidl.

But the advantage of the buyer is knowing his customers almost face to face. Easily find out what goods they are looking for. Instead of any type of butter, he can import butter from Kosów Lacki or white cheese from Gołuchów. In wholesalers, they cost almost the same, and for a specific customer they have a value incomparably greater than any other. As consumers, we become picky and ready to pay for what we like more. Importantly – we can afford it more and more.
This is an opportunity for small merchants: to bring products of known customers.

Trading ban on Sunday 2020. Sunday is Sunday

Over the last two years, the rulers have done a lot to make us disgusted with shopping on Sundays and even on Saturdays (cosmic queues at the cash registers). However, we are unlikely to give up Saturdays. In the past, after all, shopping has to be done, and the trading week has shrunk to absurd dimensions.
However, outside of shopping malls in larger stores, in 2019 a trend of decreasing number of buyers could be observed. Many people simply did not want to play Russian roulette – non-trading Sunday – and either moved their shopping routine to weekdays or used the option of shopping in online stores – where it is technically possible (because not, for example, in a village near Małkinia).
On the other hand, shopping malls began to change their functions, or more precisely – to shift the emphasis from the “commercial” function to the “gallery”. In addition to cinemas, more and more fitness clubs, children’s clubs, etc. – not covered by the Sunday trade ban – make it possible to visit such a gallery on Sundays for entertainment. And if shops are also open, shopping will also be done. It is still not known how freezing the gallery due to the coronavirus will affect this process – opinions are divided after unfreezing. Some of the existing centers are withdrawing from the shopping center, but more companies will surely take their place. Whether it will be an advantage of shops or services, which the ban on Sunday does not cover, is still an unresolved question and even difficult to predict.

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