Home » today » Business » Trading Sundays 2020. All Sundays will be trading again because the trading ban will be suspended? There is a bill: 07/28/2020

Trading Sundays 2020. All Sundays will be trading again because the trading ban will be suspended? There is a bill: 07/28/2020

Employers who are a party to the Social Dialogue Council have prepared a draft law suspending the ban on Sunday trading pending the declaration of the coronavirus pandemic plus six months after the lifting of the epidemic. At the RDS forum, they will urge the government and the union side representing workers to implement the provisions of the law. It will not be easy, although the announced recession – a decline in GDP by 5 or even 13 percent. in 2020 and a deficit exceeding the constitutional 50 percent. GDP may force the government to make concessions.

Previously, the Polish Confederation Lewiatan appealed to the government for such a solution, and in its report presenting the Polish government with suggestions on how to combat the economic effects of the coronavirus pandemic, similar suggestions to support the retail sector by temporarily suspending the trade ban on Sunday were also suggested by the global OECD organization.

Open stores on Sundays!

At the beginning of June this year. Nine business organizations called for stores to be opened on Sundays during the epidemic and for 180 days after its cancellation.
Employers argue that defrosting the economy, when the pandemic is not over, has one goal – saving jobs and companies from bankruptcy. This is an absolutely unique situation, not only economically but also socially. In order to minimize the coming crisis and at the same time protect the health of Poles, we must look for bold solutions.

“The closure of shopping centers led to a dramatic situation for thousands of companies and their employees. Their workplaces were closed overnight, and companies were losing profits every day. Not only the retail industry, but also suppliers, subcontractors, gastronomy, etc. were affected. one of the industries most severely affected by the effects of the pandemic. We already know that this year their results will be much lower than assumed, which will hurt not only employees, but the entire economy. “

Every impulse that allows the trading industry to catch up is worth its weight in gold today.

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Trading every Sunday will improve the level of security

“The opening of shopping malls at last would allow companies to slowly recover from this difficult situation. However, while the centers are open, the risk of contamination has not gone away. Many customers who shop at one time represent an increased risk to health. Therefore, it is in our common interest to to Working time shopping malls was as long as possible.
Of course, it is also important to protect the interests of employees. The Sunday trading ban had just that purpose. However, we believe that by engaging in dialogue with trade unions, we are able to find solutions favorable to the interests of employees, which will also save Poles’ jobs and reduce the epidemic risk “- emphasized the employers.

Trade unionists: we demand 2.5 times higher wages for work on Sundays

Trade Union The Alternative Trade Union is skeptical about the initiative of employers’ organizations that want to temporarily lift the trade restriction on Sunday, but without raising wages on that day. At the same time, employers want the act to include a guarantee of two free Sundays a month, which would apply to both full-time and civil law contracts.

In our opinion, the law on Sunday trading in its current shape is full of gaps, errors and arbitrary exceptions.

The current law favors small shops where wages are the lowest, working conditions are the worst and goods are the most expensive.

This is not a ban on working on Sundays at all, but an attempt to strengthen small shops and outlets at gas stations. The law also supports self-employment and fosters abuse. It is difficult for us to understand how NSZZ Solidarność can support such bad and anti-worker solutions, trade unionists believe.

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– In our opinion, the key issue is to raise wages for work on Sundays. Such regulations should apply to trade workers as well as all other people working on Sundays. Therefore, we support the solution according to which the remuneration for work on Sundays would be 2.5 times higher than the remuneration for work on weekdays. It should apply to both trade and gastronomy, security and healthcare. At the same time, we demand strict compliance with article 22 of the Labor Code, according to which, when there is a specific workplace, working time and reporting line, it should be a full-time contract. Complying with this article would mean the dissemination of full-time contracts in the entire trade – emphasizes Piotr Szumlewicz, chairman of the Trade Union

According to an expert

– The traffic in shopping malls has almost reached the level of last year, and the reopening of stores on Sundays should additionally help generate more traffic. The question is how many people have returned to the gallery because of sentiment and this is only temporary enthusiasm, and how many actually leave money there. Despite the gallery’s compliance with legal requirements and caring for the safety of buyers, they cannot count on the same freedom of shopping as at the beginning of the year – comments Bartosz Górecki, Brand Manager at merce.com. And adds:
Many stores, especially those operating in shopping malls, suffered high losses for two months, so an additional day of work would allow them to improve their financial results. In the long term, however, it will not be developmental for the retail sector, as macro-trends, such as rising labor costs, encourage sellers to move distribution to the Internet.

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