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Trading Scam Help: Immediate Measures 2022!

Fraud victims need after a Trading scam help. But what kind of support is advisable, and what should be done specifically?

Basically, after a trading fraud, the legally necessary steps must be taken as quickly as possible. Otherwise, prosecution of the perpetrators will be delayed, which would ultimately only help the fraudulent traders.

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assistance is prepared for those affected by trading fraud, and extensive information is made available. Who on dubious traders and fraudulent trading platforms has fallen for it can conduct a corresponding search on the website.

Furthermore, victims of fraud can report easily via the contact form or by e-mail. Feel free to describe your more specific fraud incident and you will receive one free initial assessment by a specialized lawyer. This first aid after a trading scam enables you to better assess your current situation at no cost.

Trading Scam Help? What immediate measures you can take yourself!

Before you get professional help against the trading scammers, the following steps are recommended. This allows you to help yourself without losing valuable time.

Real help after a trading scam is provided by the points listed here timely are to be implemented. Otherwise there could be problems with the legal prosecution of the dubious trading platform or the fraudulent traders, as well as further financial losses.

  1. Do you have emails, chat messages, telephone numbers and website addresses of the perpetrators? Save this data and documents. You can easily create screenshots for this.
  2. Was money deposited on a crypto exchange and the crypto assets then transferred further? Back up related wallet addresses and information from the crypto exchange.
  3. Did the perpetrators instruct the trading scam to deposit money into an overseas account? The relevant bank details and transfer statements should be saved.
  4. Did you get “help” from the trading scammers and allow the perpetrators access to your computer or cell phone? Install up-to-date antivirus software.
  5. Is your broker possibly on the list below? Check this here: blacklist brokers. If the trading platform is not mentioned there, this does not have to mean anything, since an entry on this list can only be reactive. Trading scammers who are currently active but have not yet been “caught” are therefore not to be found on such a black list. However, they will end up there in due course when it is clear that it is a trading scam.
  6. Are you alone in the situation? The only way you can help yourself after a trading scam is to confide in someone close to you. Talk about the incident or you’re on your own.

Further assistance is to be implemented, the information listed above is to be understood as a first point of reference. What matters is that you no further deposits to the dubious trading platform or the fraudulent traders. Not even if convincing-sounding explanations are given, which is why another money transfer is said to be necessary.

Beware of further deposits, because the trading scammers are resourceful and you will not be helped!

Be strongly warned not to believe the fraudulent brokers in any way after the actual trading scam. The perpetrators aim to harm the fraud victims again after the first fraud already carried out.

For example Withdrawals denied, but help is apparently being offered. Fees, commissions, tax payments or mirror transactions have to be paid first. Only then can the desired payout be implemented.

This is further fraud attempts, which many sufferers unfortunately fall for again. Getting help with a trading scam also means recognizing these additional scams and warding them off in a timely manner. A trading platform scam is characterized today by the fact that the perpetrators “do not give up”.

The perpetrators are professional financial fraudsters who use fake documents in their further fraud attempts. For example, some documents are falsified that a alleged credit on the blockchain suggest. Tax offices, EU authorities or financial supervisory authorities are also misused as apparent issuers of such documents.

Borrowing leads to further financial damage! The perpetrators don’t really help you!

Sometimes the fraudulent traders and dubious trading platforms persuade the already damaged investors to take out loans. Here, tangible help is offered by the perpetrators switching to the computer of the victims via remote access.

Together then relevant Credit portals called. This is where the fraud victim is fooled into believing that they are getting real help with the entering into loan agreements. This additional liquidity is necessary in order to be able to continue trading allegedly successfully or to receive the requested payment.

Since some of the popular loan providers on the Internet allow very easy borrowing, the trading scammers create a real one within a few minutes Credit agreement at the expense of fraud victims to complete. Thus, those affected are confronted with a loss of assets due to their first, original deposit on the trading platform, as well as due to the newly taken out credit debt.

Where can I get help after a trading scam if cryptocurrencies have been used?

The current trading scams in 2022 are mostly related to cryptocurrencies. The fraud victims are instructed via well-known crypto exchanges to deposit their funds and to transfer the freshly received digital values ​​to the wallets of the dubious trading platform.

In order to be able to get help after such a trading scam, those affected need legal support that deals specifically with the Blockchain Technology and new forms of fraudulent traders. This is not the case with all legal advisors, as cryptocurrencies are a comparatively new legal phenomenon. In a bitcoin trading scam, financial scammers prefer to use bitcoin or other common crypto assets.

When choosing your lawyer, make sure that they have experience in dealing with Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. Further, your attorney should be explicit about the newly emerged trading fraud cases know and ideally already edited to have.

Which crypto exchanges are currently affected by scams? Help possible?

The trading scammers show that they use almost all common crypto exchanges. The crypto exchanges become regular due to their uncomplicated handling abusedin order to be able to capture the funds of the fraud victims as quickly as possible.

You can find out more about the various fraud cases relating to individual crypto exchanges below:

It is important to understand that the crypto exchanges themselves do not play an active or indirect role in the scams. As a payment service provider, they are only misused by dubious traders – at the expense of the victims of fraud.

However, after a trading scam, help can be expected from the crypto exchanges used. Because these exchanges have relevant data on the blockchain, on the wallets of the perpetrators, and on the IP addresses for the login. Investigatively, these can proof help track the rogue trading platforms along with the assets.

Fraudulent trading platforms and dubious traders are mostly located abroad!

Since the financial fraudsters in these cases often have their company and residence abroad, the legal prosecution is to be managed differently than with German providers. In Germany, trading platforms are monitored by the responsible BaFin anyway. This is not always the case with foreign traders.

It is then in the respective financial supervisory authorities responsible abroad and involve investigative authorities. This usually has to be done using the local language. For example, many fraudulent financial service providers are active in Hong Kong, Eastern Europe or South America.

So a lawyer efficient can assist you with trading fraud, your solicitor should be able to handle foreign correspondence. It is also advisable that your legal advisor knows the international circumstances in these fraud constellations so well that no valuable time is wasted by familiarizing yourself with the matter for too long.

What is no help after a serious trading scam?

If you’re a victim of scams, you must help yourself and then get professional help. This is the only way to implement the best possible criminal prosecution and to track the flow of money.

Some sufferers literally stick their heads in the sand. They are ashamed that they fell for a dubious trading platform and ripped off by fraudulent traders have been. But this way of thinking is not helpful, it ultimately only helps the financial scammers.

A financial loss has occurred and the shock is deep. But if you give up now, you have no chance of getting back the money you have invested. It is after a trading scam therefore no helpsitting motionless in front of one’s own financial loss and mentally cursing the perpetrators.

Be sure to build up in-depth knowledge. Under the following link you can find out about current fraud constellations: Online trading scam. In addition, take the opportunity to get advice and support from an experienced lawyer in this situation. Together, the course of events should be reconstructed, the evidence secured in court and the necessary legal measures taken.

Get a free initial assessment, then decide!

Victims of fraud can contact us via the contact form or by e-mail without obligation free initial assessment consult a specialized lawyer. This concrete feedback serves as an initial orientation without incurring any costs for those affected.

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the contact options are presented in an uncomplicated manner. Any request received there will be timely answered. If desired, legal action can be taken immediately against the fraudulent trading platform and the dubious traders.

In addition, be for those affected by a trading scam further help offered. For example, the perpetrators could misuse your personal data to identity theft to perform. This danger can be clearly limited by legal action. In addition to the legal prosecution of the perpetrators and the flow of money, it is also about prevent further financial losses.

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