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Trading on US stock markets briefly shut down, S&P index losing nearly 6 percent | NOW

Trading on the American stock exchanges was halted on Monday shortly after the opening of the stock exchange, after the markets fell by more than 8 percent at the start of trading. Around 3.45 pm the losses slightly decreased to just under 6 percent. European stock exchanges have been well down all day long after a crash on the oil market.

The S&P 500 stood at a loss of 8.4 percent just before the trade shutdown, around 15.30 the index dropped 5.6 percent to 2,806.8 points. The Nasdaq technology exchange and the leading Dow Jones index also lost more than 5 percent.

European stock exchanges were drawn with the opening of trade in the US. The European stock markets seemed to make up for losses during the trading day, but went down again on Monday afternoon.

The AEX index was 6.2 percent lower around 3.45 pm. Oil stocks are particularly affected and Shell is one of the biggest losers with a minus of more than 14.5 percent. The DAX index in Germany was 7 percent lower and the main stock indexes in France and the United Kingdom also fell by around 7 percent.

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