Normally, the chalet for the Department’s Christmas market, set up by the Moselle Attractiveness agency, is a large wooden hut, placed in the middle of the Place Saint-Jacques in Metz, where talents and skills meet. make territory. Normally, there is a crowd at the Meisenthal ball counter. Normally, no one wears a mask.
This year, the department’s tourism agency, for reasons we know, changed the magic formula. Three ephemeral shops are open to showcase Moselle productions. That of Metz is located rue Tête-d’Or, it adjoins that of the Federation of merchants of Metz. There are good things to eat and drink, natural soaps, wooden sprites and, for the second year, Lehrer’s crystal ball.
This year that of Meisenthal will only be distributed by distance sale. The information had to be posted on the door to prevent disappointment.
Two other Christmas cells will be opened by Moselle Attractiveness: one in Thionville at the Cour des Capucins, where producers will run the shop. In Sarreguemines, the focus will be on local talent.