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Trade Minister Zulkifli Hasan Speeds Up Completion of E-Commerce Regulation Revision in Jakarta


Trade Minister Zulkifli Hasan or as he is usually called Zulhas is speeding up the completion of the revision of the Minister of Trade Regulation or Permendag Number 50 governing the provisions for Business Licensing, Advertising, Guidance and Supervision of Business Actors in Electronic Trading (PPMSE).

He stressed that later the sales rules for e-commerce and social commerce would be differentiated. So for social commerce which is social media but also provides buying and selling transactions, it must have a trading business license.

“If it’s just social, it’s just social (social media), if it’s commerce, it means selling. Later for selling, you have to have another permit to trade, two permits,” he told detikcom at the detiknetwork Office, Tendean, South Jakarta, Tuesday (8/8/2023).



In the Prime Minister, he explained that social commerce and e-commerce cannot be producers. Zulhas also explained that there will be a list of goods that can and cannot be imported through e-commerce and social commerce.

“There will be positif list which may be (imported),” he explained.

While those that are not permitted will be subject to strict requirements, first there must be a trading business license (IUP), then the imported goods must meet the Indonesian National Standard (SNI).

“What is not allowed (cannot be imported) must follow the official IUP permit such as offline, the origin of the goods must have a guarantee, must be SNI,” he explained.

Zulhas also explained that later there would be a price limit for foreign goods entering Indonesia online, aka cross-border, namely not being under US$ 100 or Rp. 1.5 million (exchange rate of Rp. 15,000). Cross border itself is goods that are imported from abroad and reach consumers directly.

He targets the revision of Permendag 50 to be completed within this month. Currently the process has been completed harmonization at the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkumham).

“Hopefully this month it will be finished. This has been harmonized by the Ministry of Law and Human Rights when all the signatures have been completed. Hopefully September,” he explained.

Previously, Zulhas had also said that the revision target for Minister of Home Affairs Regulation (Permendag) No. 50 of 2020 concerning Trade Through Electronic Systems (PMSE) can be completed in September 2023.

Currently the stages are in harmonization at the Ministry of Law and Human Rights (Kemenkumham) and other Ministries/Institutions.

“Yes, hopefully the sooner the better for us. If it can be finished this month (hamonization) let it be next September. It has to be regulated, if not, how about it later, it has to be regulated right, arranged so it doesn’t harm our MSMEs,” he said when met at the Ministry Trade, Friday (4/8/2023).

Zulhas also explained again that there were a number of additions to the regulation. First, there will be a price limit for foreign goods that enter Indonesia online, aka cross border, which cannot be below US$ 100 or Rp. 1.5 million (exchange rate of Rp. 15,000).

“Spending on imported goods is suggested to be a minimum of US$ 100, for imports. The nominal minimum is US$ 100. Domestically, it’s fine, Rp. 1,000, Rp. 2,000 is fine, for imports the shopping value is one,” he explained.


2023-08-08 09:02:38
#Minister #Trade #Require #Online #Selling #Business #License

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