The main mission of the service: Within the economic development department, the trade/crafts department implements the strategy to support trade and crafts in the City and supports local traders and artisans in developing their projects.
Composition of the service: head of department, six territorial economic developers also responsible for overseeing cross-cutting topics (floor observations and commercial activities, commercial planning and trade strategy, direct support to businesses, air vehicle fund, animation, non-sedentary industries and National Interest Market), economic developer of sustainable food, two commercial assistants and an assistant.
The Grenoble Metropolis is very involved in the development of its borders and wants economic developers to create an environment favorable for the establishment and development of businesses and artisans.
In 2024, the Metropolis defined a new intervention strategy to meet the challenges of sustainable commercial attraction. This strategy is used around 3 axes:
– Maintain a constant commercial attractiveness throughout the territory by strengthening metropolitan polarities, city centers and town centers,
– Strengthen the attractiveness of the city’s historic centre,
– Strengthen local support for traders and artisans for responsible trade committed to transitions.
? Participate in the implementation of the strategy for trade and crafts,
? Support traders and artisans based in the area in their development,
? Enable local support with businesses, municipalities and partners
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2024-09-26 04:13:24
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