Home » today » World » Tracks confirmed the movement of the bear near Zlín. Witnesses also report a female bear with a cub

Tracks confirmed the movement of the bear near Zlín. Witnesses also report a female bear with a cub

On Sunday, apparently the same bear was captured by a camera trap between Újezd ​​and Vysoky Pole behind Vizovice. In the morning, one of the witnesses also saw a bear and a baby bear in the village of Držková; the place is twenty-five kilometers away from Vysoké Pole as the crow flies. According to hunters, these are two different pieces of adult bears.

Photo: Stanislav Trčka, Law

An adult bear that crossed the Vizovice hills from Zlín to Újezd ​​and Vysoké Pol during the weekend. She was caught on camera

“It is impossible for one bear to be in two places at the same time. They are two different beasts. The bear that was captured by our camera trap was above Zlín on Saturday and crossed the Vizovice Hills along the ridge to us. Držková is on the side,” explained Stanislav Trčka, chairman of the Myslivecký association Újezd, to Novinka. His camera trap located under Suchý vrch near Újezd ​​managed to photograph the bear three times after a ten-minute interval. The bear found corn under a stone, which the hunters had prepared for wild pigs.

Photo: Stanislav Trčka, Law

A bear captured by a camera trap near Újezd ​​in the Zlín region

“A bear with a cub was seen in the clearings in the Májová locality in the direction from Držková to Podkopná Lhota. It wasn’t just one animal, but an adult and a cub,” David Flám, commander of the volunteer fire department in Držková, told Novinka.

The bear scared the runners on the hiking trail near Zlín, it was already close to the city


The concerns of the inhabitants of Zlín region living on the meadows are justified. The adult animal was moving near the poachers. “We have four children. The youngest were afraid. The bear appeared here in places where people often run or just walk. A little further down in the forest there is a large puddle in the mud, and various animals are often found around it. And after a report on local radio, a neighbor pointed out to me that there was more water splashed around the road on Saturday than is usually the case,” Popelka explained to Novinka.

A beast a few meters from the family

He thought of looking at the place to see if he could find any interesting tracks in the mud. “I was expecting wild boars, the bear was a big surprise for me. It’s a coincidence, last year a piece also appeared in Zlínsk, but it was much further away and it was just passing through, luckily. It’s not a pleasant feeling,” admitted Cinderella and continued? “Children are used to running around the house in the woods and playing there in their fantasy world. The feeling that an almost two-meter bear was marching three hundred meters from us is not pleasant at all.”

Near Zlín, the bear appeared only a few hundred meters from the regular bus stop and about a kilometer from the first stop of Zlín public transport, which takes passengers to the city center.

Photo: Aleš Popelka, Pravo

A bear track that Aleš Popelka discovered and cast not far from his house on Saturday

“Cattle breeders are mainly on the lookout now. But so far I don’t know of anyone who says that a bear attacked his sheep, goats or cows. It’s a big surprise, but we live in clearings, so there’s nothing we can do. But I’ll admit that apart from foxes, it’s the first larger beast to pass through here in a long time,” Viliam Mikušínec from the Pindula settlement in Zlín told Novinkám. As he added, one bear was last seen in the area forty years ago. “At the time, it was probably a young one, he was walking around nearby Provodov, he was about one meter tall and he quickly disappeared,” recalled the former forester and hunter from Mikusínec.

Photo: Stanislav Trčka, Law

A curious bear captured by a camera trap above Újezd ​​in the Zlín region

“I came to see my daughter and grandchildren. The information surprised us all. I usually go for a walk with my children in the forest, but this time we stayed in the garden. We didn’t even go for a walk with the dogs,” admitted Miroslava Malotová.

Another bear attack in Slovakia. The female was biting the mushroom picker


Apparently, the bear headed east from the pastures towards the Želechovice local part of Vidova, where the deputy mayor of Želechovice nad Dřevnicí, Alena Gajdůšková, lives in a game house near the forest. “It is a large beast and it can cause damage to other game. We do not recommend going for walks in the forest now. It is obvious that he wandered from Slovakia, from where he was pushed out by other bears,” remarked Gajdůšková.

According to her, hunters should give information about potential bear shots from camera traps to municipalities, which can react more quickly and warn citizens of possible dangers.

Deputy Commander of the Municipal Police in Zlín, Pavel Janík, advises people to be extra careful when moving in forest stands. “Avoid unclear and densely overgrown places, if you have a dog with you, always keep it on a leash. Of course, one should also have a charged mobile phone so that one can call for help if necessary,” explained Janík.

Murderer or hero? A Slovak MP shot a bear cub


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