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Track Record of Judges Circumcising Prosecutor’s Sentence Pinangki


The Jakarta High Court (PT) is in the public spotlight after circumcising the prosecutor’s sentence Pinangki Sirna Malasari from 10 years in prison to 4 years in prison. Whereas Pinangki as a law enforcement officer became a case broker (Mark) with proven corruption and money laundering. Is the verdict fair?

circumcision verdict Pinangki by the five high court judges unanimously. They are Muhammad Yusuf, Haryono, Singgih Budi Prakoso, Lafat Akbar, and Reny Halida Ilham Malik.

In notes detik.com, Sunday (20/6/2021), the names of the high judges were noted to have frequently circumcised the sentences of corruption defendants.

One of them was the Jiwasraya burglar, Head of the Investment and Finance Division of Asuransi Jiwasraya, Syahmirwan. The Pinangki Assembly who circumcised Syahmirwan’s sentence from life to 18 years in prison were Haryono, Lafat Akbar, and Reny Helida Ilham Malik.

High judge Haryono also annulled the life imprisonment of Jiwasraya burglar Joko Hartono Tirto to 18 years in prison. In addition, annulled the sentence of former Finance Director Hary Prasetyo from life imprisonment to 20 years in prison.

Participating in cutting the sentence of Hary Prasetyo, the high judge in the Pinangki case, namely Lafat Akbar and Reny Halida Ilham Malik.

Haryono is also the chairman of the panel for the defendant, the former president director of Jiwasraya, Hendrisman Rahim. Initially, Hendrisman was sentenced to life imprisonment. But by Haryono together with Reni Helida Ilham Malik and Lafat Akbar, Hendrisman’s sentence was circumcised to 20 years in prison.

Then who is Singgih Budi Prakoso? When he became chairman of the Bandung District Court (PN) in 2013, he was said to have received bribes from Dada Rosada and Edi Siswadi through Toto which was handed over to the defendant Setyabudi Tejocahyono.

In the indictment of the deputy chairman of the Bandung District Court, Setyabudi, the prosecutor stated that Singgih received US$ 15 thousand, while two members of the panel of judges in the social assistance corruption case, namely Ramlan Comel and Djodjo Dkohari, each received US$ 18,300.

But the fate of Singgih was lucky. Instead, his career progressed by being promoted to a high court judge at the Makassar High Court (PT), then he was transferred to PT Semarang until he finally entered the capital city.

“It can be read as a form of closure by the Supreme Court in carrying out judicial reform. So far, the Supreme Court has no measure to promote and transfer judges,” said ILR researcher Erwin Natosmal Oemar, regretting the pattern of promotion to Singgih.

As for Reny Haliida Ilham Malik, it was recorded that he had repeatedly registered as a candidate for Supreme Court justices but failed during tests at the Judicial Commission (KY). Reny’s failures were recorded when registering in 2017, 2019, 2020, and 2021.

But what does KY say about the track record of the announcing the verdict? Pinangki?

“KY is in the stage of gathering any information related to whether or not there is a violation of judges’ behavior,” said KY spokesman, Miko Ginting.

Watch Video: Highlights of Pinangki’s circumcised verdict from 10 to 4 years in prison

[Gambas:Video 20detik]


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