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towards unnatural essences

The seeds of the project

We would almost forget it, but the communal forest of Thionvilloise, which extends over 750 hectares of wooded areas, is the second largest in Moselle. And it is also, recently, the first in the department to benefit from the recovery plan driven by the State, in order to help communities to restore forests. Whoever says recovery plan presupposes precious subsidies: in this case, it is a windfall of €162,000, eligible for 80% subsidy, which will be invested to reconstitute a stripped forest area of ​​16.5 hectares in Œutrange.

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Last November, the announcement had acted as a breath of fresh air in the municipal council. That evening, Jean-Christophe Hamelin-Boyer, better known by his label of “mister vaccination” at the town hall, had released an ambitious accounting data. Namely the promise to reintroduce 35,400 trees in the green heritage of Thionville. At this stage, this large-scale planting did not yet mention the specimens selected: “It is now done”, blows the municipal councilor.

The essence of the project

“Until now, we did not ask ourselves any questions: for this type of project, the path taken was that of natural regeneration”, recalls the elected official. Alas, times are changing. The municipality will wipe off the map aspen, willow, beech and other maples that make up the classic ecosystem in Thionvillois. These species, perfectly adapted to the local climate, will no longer be so in the future: “Global warming condemns them”, recognizes Jean-Christophe Hamelin. The municipality, advised by forestry experts, has therefore turned to species that could appear a bit unnatural. Downy oaks, “adapted to drought and very well valued”; Austrian pine, renowned for its resistance to insects; service tree and finally “a little lime tree”. This diversified massif will not be built up with a wet finger: soil studies, samples and acidity measurements will make it possible to identify the plots favorable to the growth of these species.

The hatching of the project

At the moment, the file is in submission. A technical term that is similar to a tendering procedure due to conclude in mid-March. Once this consultation phase has passed, the major maneuvers can begin. The company selected will initiate the necessary silvicultural work (shredding of brambles, supply and installation of protective mesh, etc.) before planting the seedlings. An operation scheduled for next winter. Next ? “It will be necessary to wait more than a hundred years to admire the forest massif. »

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