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Towards universal accessibility: a pioneering experience at the Mobile World Congress

Technology opens up new possibilities in all areas, including services to citizens. The Covid-19 pandemic has brought a turning point for the role of technology in societyto the point that essential social needs, such as medicine or education, have incorporated new forms of care that are already used by millions of people in the world.

The future will bring many more innovations to improve the lives of all people. Some of them have been seen in Barcelona, ​​in the 2023 edition of the Mobile World Congress (MWC)held in Barcelona, ​​such as, for example, 6G, immersive environments or artificial intelligenceamong other.

However, in parallel to all these innovations, it is worth asking if part of all this technological talent could not also apply to the full inclusion of people with disabilitiessensory, cognitive or motor skills, who have to face sometimes insurmountable problems on a daily basis to gain access to basic services for anyone.

Reflections for a more accessible world

In this line, CaixaBank has organized, within the framework of the MWC, a pioneering experience to reflect on it. In collaboration with the Mobile World Capitalan entity of which the bank is a patron, CaixaBank has made a visit to the technological event with the participation of a group of people with functional diversity, all of them users of the services of the Prevent Foundationa non-profit organization that works to contribute to the labor inclusion of people with disabilities.

The group tours various points of the MWC and 4YFN / Photo: CaixaBank

The visit covered initiatives such as the Barcelona Health Hubwhich promotes innovation in the field of health, or the exoskeleton that helps people with motor disabilities to walk, designed by the start-up Able Human Motion. During the itinerary, the stands of Mobile World Capital and CaixaBank present at the event have also been visited.

Technology acquires full meaning when it is put at the service of people and that is why it is very important to help projects that can promote accessibility, social inclusion and people’s quality of life to have visibility”

Maria Alsinaterritorial director of CaixaBank in Barcelona, ​​has made a call for entrepreneurs and technology companies to seek innovative solutions that contribute to the inclusion of people with disabilities. “Technology acquires full meaning when it is put at the service of people and that is why it is very important to help projects that can promote accessibility, social inclusion and people’s quality of life to have visibility”.

CaixaBank: commitment to diversity and financial inclusion

CaixaBank is on the side of diversity and inclusion, as demonstrated by these activities at MWC. The entity works continuously in the removal of physical and sensory barriers. Thus, for example, 88% of its offices apply the ‘zero level’ concept, so that they have eliminated unevenness and have installed, when necessary, ramps and lifts to facilitate access.

Eva Requena, a user of the Prevent Foundation, in an immersive experience that takes her to a massive concert / Photo: CaixaBank

100% of CaixaBank ATMs are accessible, with visual, sound and tactile facilities, such as contrast screen, simplified operation, Braille keyboard or voice navigation. Besides, more than 8,000 bank ATMs also have help videos in sign language. In addition to the possibility of ‘CaixaFácil’ for older or less experienced people with new technologies.

Cooperation with the ONCE Social Group

It is worth noting, for example, the cooperation with ONCE Social Groupan entity with which CaixaBank has recently signed a collaboration framework to promoting social and financial inclusion and improving the quality of life of people with disabilities and their families. It has an important role to promote the universal accessibilitywith a commitment from CaixaBank to implement the measures so that all its products and services are accessible to its visually impaired customers.

CaixaBank now has the possibility of contracting the first card with a Braille reading code in Spain available throughout its branch network

The agreement establishes other measures, such as collaboration with ONCE Foundation for the expansion of its program Inclusive Finance, aimed at people with intellectual disabilities and learning difficulties. On the other hand, CaixaBank already has the possibility of contracting the first card with Braille reading code in Spain. This card makes it easier for people with visual disabilities to buy at any store.

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