A Finnish restaurateur living in Tenerife tells how increased tourism is reflected in everyday life on the island.
Iltalehti previously reported that the capacity of the Canary Islands threatens to burst due to the ever-growing tourism.
Finn Pia Lindberg and his spouse Jussi Eriksson own the Pipo Cafe restaurant at Playa de las Americas on the island of Tenerife. Lindberg says that he notices a clear difference in everyday life on the island in connection with the growing masses of tourists.
– It is more difficult for the locals to find apartments because the rents have skyrocketed. Many people have made their rental apartments available for tourist accommodation through Airbnb, and it has caused a lot of annoyance. There has been a lot of talk about urbanization, and whether this should be limited.

Playa de Las Americas beach in Tenerife. Finn Pia Lindberg runs a restaurant in the area with her husband. Illustration image. Mostphotos
Especially on the island of Tenerife, it has been said that there is even hatred of tourists, and among other things, environmental organizations have been worried about how the number of tourists burdens the area’s nature. Among other things, messages discouraging tourists are written on the walls of buildings in the area.
Lindberg says that, despite everything, he hasn’t come across direct tourist hatred, even though littering and disruptive behavior occasionally cause irritation among the residents.
Environmental organizations have warned that traffic, pollution and waste management problems cause irreversible damage to nature. Among other things, tourists have enjoyed DJ gigs at the protected volcano, cycled and moved outside the nature trails, and walked in forbidden areas.
Village meeting
Lindberg says that he lives in Tenerife in the village of Chayofa. According to Lindberg, the growing number of tourists in the area will be discussed at the village meeting in the near future.
– Let’s think about whether we want even more Airbnb apartments in our village when tourists litter the environment and use a lot of water. The garbage cans are overflowing with garbage and the pipes have been blocked for a while, that’s how it is [kasvavat turistimäärät] notice.
13.8 million tourists visited the Canary Islands last year. Photo by Playa de Las Americas. Illustration image. Anneli Juutilainen
According to Lindberg, on the other hand, the sanitation in the area of his restaurant, for example, has worked quite well. According to Lindberg, the growing number of tourists has raised not only apartment rents but also other prices.
– At this time of the year, all the rental cars are booked and the prices are at an all-time low, you know how to charge when there is demand. I notice the increase in the number of tourists also from the fact that before traffic jams occurred mainly at Christmas time.
– Nowadays, there have been traffic jams since October and, for example, it is sometimes very difficult to find taxis, because the number of taxis does not necessarily increase at the same pace as the number of tourists.
Celebrating tourists
Lindberg says that the growing tourism has also been reflected in his business.
– We’ve had to add more staff, we’ve never had so many people at work, but that’s just a good problem, of course. This time of year is the peak season that you can run up to your neck in slime every day. But despite this, the evenings go comfortably and peacefully.
Have the party-goers stood out somehow in the tourist masses?
– Of course, there’s always a group of people in every place, where you can get drunk and hang out. In my own village, at least there have not been any bigger fights. If there are disturbing vacationers, we just knock on the door and kindly point out that it is a residential area and there are its own rules.
According to Lindberg, the disorderly behavior is mainly concentrated in the Veronicas area, which according to him is a popular area in Tenerife for partying British tourists. According to him, pickpocketing has also increased in Tenerife in general.
– When there are a lot of tourists, there are also a lot of pickpockets. Quite a few people lose their wallets and phones when they go out with their phones. It’s just basic everyday life here.
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