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Tourist places on the planet Mars for the future, here are 8 places!

Amazing tourist places on the planet Mars. These places on Mars could become future tourist spots. In the next few years, humans may be able to visit Mars.

Given the current development of technology is already very fast. In addition, the planet Mars has long been a subject of research.

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8 Spot Wizards on the planet Mars

With all its uniqueness, Mars managed to become an extraordinary near-Earth planet. Within this planet are a number of large volcanoes.

The deep gorges and mysterious craters of the volcano are said to have flowing water. In this way, Mars effectively has several tourist spots that can be explored in the future.


This is a giant volcano which is 4,000 km wide and has as many as 12 sub-mountains. Mount Tharsis tends to be much larger than those on Earth.

This is because Mars has a weaker gravitational force. So that it allows the volcano to grow higher.

Olympus Msgr

This is the most extreme mountain in the Solar System, located in a volcanic region. It is roughly the same size as the state of Arizona.

Even though it is extreme, Olympus Mons is relatively easy for tourists to climb due to its 5% gradient. At 25km high, it is three times the size of Everest on Earth.

Valles Marines

Next is a canyon with a length of 3000 km, 4 times longer than the Grand Canyon. Researchers still don’t know how the Valles Marinies formed, but Tharsis contributed to its growth.

Read also: Evidence Of Mars Once Flooded, Found By Chinese Scientists!

Gae Crater and Mount Aeolis Mons

The Curiosity rover found this tourist spot on the planet Mars Gale Crater in 2012. This area is thought to be a dry river.

Also adjacent to Gale Crater is a volcano called Aeolis Mons or Mount Sharp. NASA has revealed that this mountain contains complex organic molecules and methane.

Ice pile

Mars also has two ice poles, north and south. During winter, temperatures at both poles are very cold, which causes carbon dioxide from the atmosphere to condense and form ice on the surface.

The process will reverse when in the summer. All of this ice movement has a major impact on Mars’ climate.

Ghost Hill

On Mars, there is a lot of evidence of water in the past, such as this “ghost hill” area. The researchers revealed that this area had sand dunes tens of meters high but lava or water flooded them.

As a result, the surface of the hill is preserved as the peak begins to erode.

pit jellyfish

This is a volcanic deposit that is one-fifth the size of the United States. Over time, the wind sculpts the rocks into beautiful formations.

Read also: Volcanoes on Mars, the largest Olympus Mons in the Solar System

Lereng lines

Finally, on Mars there is a slope called Lineae which is located in Hale crater. The slopes have repeating grade lines that form steep crater sides during warm weather.

It is not yet clear what conditions are like in tourist resorts on Mars. Scientists suspect that there are foreign microbes that can contaminate it. (R10/HR-Online)

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