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Tourism: The issue of the first “Styria Card” for Graz

Do you already have a passport?
An idea from the Graz-Umgebung Tourist Association met with great interest in 1969. It is the first edition of a so-called “Styria Card” under the name “Autopass”.

Passes are manifestations of civilization. And there is undoubtedly more gratifying evidence of the so vaunted civilization on earth than these “ex officio” issued papers, without which one can hardly get from one country to another – across borders.
The Graz-Umgebung Tourist Association came up with a pleasing variation of the document, which is in itself unpleasant: a pass that does not emphasize the borders, but rather blurs them and ensures that the areas bordering Graz are not forgotten by Graz residents and visitors to Graz.

[Der Autopass ist nummeriert und mit der Bezeichnung überschrieben: Autopass für Ausflugsfahrten im Bezirk Graz-Umgebung].
It is a pass that not only costs nothing, but also brings something: it draws your attention to the beauties of the immediate vicinity, it encourages you to get to know them and it gives you the opportunity to win something.

The car pass (this is what it is called and this time not “ex officio”!) Contains the names of 18 municipalities in the vicinity of the state capital, which deserve more attention.
One should visit these places. If you follow the advice, you will get a confirmation from a local innkeeper. If you have collected all 18 confirmations in your passport, you will be given a sticker or a car key fob. For every fiftieth participant there is a gift basket of 500 schillings ready, which will be presented to the winner on the occasion of a special invitation to one of the 18 locations listed.

“I know that. One should consume a lot, in the places that are indicated, ”many will now say. But consumption is not compulsory. You don’t have to if you don’t want to.

In any case, the results have shown that the pass is a success. There is already a second edition after the first 5000 copies were sold out within a very short time and there are not many of the other 5000 copies left.

“D´` Leit san actually really happy that ma´s amol has been ringing out of the Stodt”, says the host of one of those inns where the confirmations have come. “And I really like to have a snack at my place,” he continues, “the fresh air out here gives you a little appetite as well.”
And right – mainly over the weekend you can see them driving out and, perhaps more importantly, wandering around the area without a car.

“I can’t go on vacation this year. At least not yet, “says a commercial employee who is sitting at the richly laid snack table with his wife and children,” so we go to the Graz area as often as we have time. It’s also a place to relax and it’s especially good for the children when they can let off steam without having to watch the traffic. “

But pensioners, workers and many holidaymakers have also got a car pass (you can get it at all tourist offices of the Graz-Umgebung Tourist Association, at many petrol stations, hotels, banks, savings banks and travel agencies!).

“The end of the ‘Autopass campaign’ is currently not in sight”, says an official of the Graz-Umgebung Tourist Association, “and we have other irons in the fire, which we may already have in autumn – when the holidaymakers are back home and themselves need to rest – be presented to the public.
Graz Monday, August 4th 1969.

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