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TOURISM: François Sauvadet claims to “make the Côte-d’Or the first heritage-nature destination between Paris and Lyon”

Cycle routes, greenways, urban forests … The president of the departmental council of Côte-d’Or aspires to develop a tourist basin associated with Saône-et-Loire and Haute-Saône. It will involve relying on traffic axes for both cars and bicycles.

“Our objective is to make the Côte-d’Or the first heritage-nature destination between Paris and Lyon. We will continue to invest heavily in soft mobility with intermunicipal associations, ”says François Sauvadet, referring to several projects around the metropolis such as load shedding parking lots.

While the President of the Department has just given the first blow to the construction site of a roundabout on the outskirts of Dijon (read our article), traffic issues are topical. As soon as the teams from the communities of municipalities are fully installed following the municipal elections, François Sauvadet plans to bring the mayors around the city together to discuss with them “conditions for improving and improving traffic flow”. “The major projects will be on cycle routes and soft traffic” even if “we need the car in Côte-d’Or” he insists.

M the metropolitan

The future “M” installed on road traffic signs to indicate that it is a metropolitan and no longer a departmental road makes François Sauvadet react: “I would have liked to be informed, I take act of this decision which could have been discussed, I asked that we respect the metropolitan limits ”. He added that “transparency of political decision is still the key to democracy”.

“Having put M, it shows a will of President Rebsamen to mark his territory but that’s not how we do politics in modern times, now I invite to dialogue” on the subject of skills road.

Cycling routes as levers for development

Cycle routes are seen as a response to changes in the post-containment population: “We want to make them axes of economic development. We know very well that there is a return to nature, a return to spaces. Besides, this also prompts the Metropolis to reflect on its own approach to urban densification in relation to this aspiration to nature ”.

Côte-d’Or Tourisme is working on a strategic orientation which aims to make all cycling routes, in particular, levers of development. By going for a bike ride, you will know which restaurant there is next to it, where you can find this or that product, using digital geolocation technologies. We already had walks from Côte-d’Or to Burgundy, we will improve the system ”.

A next inauguration should take place: “we have just finished the Climats de Bourgogne bike route, that which goes from the gates of Saône-et-Loire, to the gates of Dijon, Marsannay-la-Côte”

Urban forests in municipalities of the metropolis

The Department is already responsible for sensitive natural areas and intends to pursue actions in favor of the preservation of the environment. “We are going to work, in collaboration with the municipalities of the metropolis, on the development of urban forests and soil waterproofing”. One of the first municipalities concerned will be Chevigny-Saint-Sauveur.

In addition, interdepartmental cooperation should be developed. Yonne works in particular with Ile-de-France, Nièvre with Center-Val de Loire. The Côte-d’Or wishes to exchange views on the subject with Saône-et-Loire and Haute-Saône in order to constitute an attractive tourist area: “we have all the assets, an exceptional heritage, a history, greenways, natural spaces ”.

Jean-Christophe Tardivon

François Sauvadet, president of the departmental council of Côte-d’Or, during the first pickaxe of the roundabout construction site in Asnières-lès-Dijon on June 19, 2020

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