Home » today » Sport » Tour de France, the Savio valley is roofed in yellow: creative shows, rosettes, flags and choreographies

Tour de France, the Savio valley is roofed in yellow: creative shows, rosettes, flags and choreographies

The Tour de France is getting nearer and nearer and whereas we anticipate the primary stage to reach from Florence to Rimini on Saturday 29 June, the Savio Valley is filled with yellow to welcome a journey the athletes and hundreds of lovers and spectators. who collects the streets of the cities concerned. In Bagno di Romagna, already animated by the hospitality of “Valle Savio Bike Sound” slightly below Passo del Carnaio, the Society “Il Faro di Corzano” has created a big round set up with a diameter of 6 meters with min -colored noticed, clearly seen from above. , close to the hall of the athletes to San Piero in Bagno, the place a stylized bicycle seems and the inscription “Bagno di Romagna welcomes the tour”, because it was already accomplished when the the Giro d’Italia in 2017 and 2021.

Sarsina and Quarto are coloured yellow with varied roses, flags, hats, banners and posters associated to bicycle tourism, because of the coordination of town and the assist of personal firms and operators concerned within the institution the city choir of Plautine and Lake Quarto. , the place the second host “Valle Savio Bike Sound” will likely be established, with music, leisure, meals and a giant display screen.

At Mercato Saraceno, the Municipality is taking steps, by the artist Anton Roca, to design a big yellow bicycle within the Tigli sports activities space, on the entrance to Mercato Saraceno: an authentic strategy to to honor the passage of the Tour and the efforts of the athletes on the Barbotto Cross very laborious (the place the third host “Valle Savio Bike Sound” will likely be current). So the cameras that concentrate on the Valle del Savio area will have the ability to unfold, along with the fantastic thing about the landscapes, additionally the liveliness and hospitality of the Romagna area.

The Tour de France 2024 could have in depth and detailed protection on the Rai networks. The reside broadcasts will begin between 2.00pm and a couple of.45pm, and all through the night there will likely be area for replays and scenes, which will definitely be appreciated by followers who didn’t get the prospect to observe the stage alive All of the real-time broadcasts will happen on Rai 2, and Rai Sport will take over the night programmes. Intimately, the overall channel will begin on the night devoted to the Tour de France with Tour Stay, and the beginning time will fluctuate, relying on the degrees, between 2.00 pm and a couple of.45 pm (aside from the final day). The ultimate of the race will likely be throughout the Arrival Tour.

2024-06-27 22:55:27
#Tour #France #Savio #valley #lined #yellow #creative #shows #rosettes #flags #choreographies

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