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Toulouse vaccine track: how to get your appointment for sure

the essential
The appointment slots for the Toulouse vaccinodrome are posted every morning at 10 a.m. on KelDoc.com.

It is 10:45 am this Thursday, the first day of the reopening of the Toulouse vaccinodrome, and a long queue stretches several tens of meters from the entrance to hall 8, on the Ile du Ramier, to at the portal on the Coubertin bridge side. We have to believe that this large capacity center was eagerly awaited. Monday, when the appointments were posted online, 10,000 people tried to get a niche, argues Thierry Cardouat, director of the Regional Health Agency, present this Thursday on the spot.

According to calculations by the ARS, the third dose concerns 350,000 Haut-Garonnais to be vaccinated by the beginning of January. To date, the vaccinodrome, the twelve vaccination centers in the department, medical offices and pharmacies allow a rate of 60,000 injections per week. And 110,000 from next week of which 60% thanks to city medicine which therefore provides a significant contribution. The vaccinodrome, with its 2,300 appointments per day (3,500 soon) is making a contribution.

Mélanie, a 45-year-old woman from Toulouse, is one of the first to be vaccinated in hall 8. “I had a niche at the beginning of January. When I saw that the vaccinodrome was reopening, I made an appointment. I appreciated the organization and the welcome during the first two doses. “

Vaccinodrome reservation slots are open every day on the KelDoc.com site for the following seven days. It is therefore necessary to try again regularly. Especially in the morning because it is at 10 am that the new slots are put online.

Student support

Another advantage of the vaccinodrome: people over 65 are admitted without an appointment. Arrived at 8 am, well before the opening of 10 am, André, 83, was “already registered in a pharmacy for mid-January. »And for him the reservation on the internet is« difficult ». In the queue, two people say “do not have internet” including Francis, 70, who also did not wait for his appointment at the pharmacy. “If we lose the pass, we can no longer go anywhere,” he testifies. In Haute-Garonne, 60% of people over 65 received the 3rd dose.

This Thursday, Jean-Luc Moudenc, the mayor, Thierry Cardouat and Gilbert Hébrard, chairman of the board of directors of the Fire and Rescue Service, welcomed the partnership which allowed the express reopening of the vaccinodrome. A center which relies largely on the students already mobilized this summer. Moderna and Pfizer are the two vaccines offered.

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