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Toulouse: the pornographic fresco still hanging in the canteen of medical interns at the University Hospital of Purpan

the essential
Union representatives from the hospital are still calling for the removal of the pornographic fresco from the refectory of the medical boarding school.

His presence is exasperating. A very realistic pornographic fresco was hung a few weeks ago in the refectory of the medical boarding school, on the Purpan site in Toulouse. Union representatives from the hospital have been calling for its withdrawal for several days. The southern union of the University Hospital of Purpan, alerted by the association “Dare feminism 31”, filed on Friday, October 22, an alert for “serious and imminent danger” with the management.

Seized, she had sent a letter to the President of the Boarding school association at the end of last week, asking him to “immediately withdraw this canvas”. This Monday, the trash fresco of the rifles still adorns the wall of the refectory.
The parody of the famous painting by Delacroix, “Liberty leading the people”, representing about fifteen real and recognizable people, offends members of the nursing staff.

“This fresco is shocking and humiliating, denounces Gaëlle, practitioner at the CHU and spokesperson for the collective Thursday 11-2, who wishes to see the canvas disappear. This representation goes beyond the notion of humiliation, especially vis-à-vis women. The fresco is also transphobic and homophobic. This is neither in line with the values ​​of the University Hospital nor of the Republic. ”Once again contacted, the University Hospital did not respond. The president of the boarding school association remains silent.

The story repeats itself

It’s an old tradition among interns. The practice of rifle humor, which dates back to the 19th century in hospital ward rooms, aimed to transcend, to overthrow the sacred, death, by being in subversion.
The canvas, which would have been ordered by interns in medicine, is not the first that makes people cringe.

In 2018, a sexist fresco shocked several interns at Purpan hospital. Softer than the current one, it was withdrawn in the same premises, at the request of students. These, shocked, felt that this tradition of medical interns was “out of time”, at the time of the liberation of the word of women, victims of harassment or sexual assault. This new controversy puts the debate back on the table. This fresco, facing the various claims, could well be the last of its kind.

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