Home » today » Business » Toulouse. J.-F. Dartigue Peyrou, general secretary of the Syndicate of Fireworks Manufacturers: “For some, it’s Harry Potter’s wand”

Toulouse. J.-F. Dartigue Peyrou, general secretary of the Syndicate of Fireworks Manufacturers: “For some, it’s Harry Potter’s wand”

How do you explain this craze around fireworks?

For some time now, there have been videos on social networks. They give people ideas. Sometimes bad ideas. The use of fireworks is diverted.

Obtaining it remains complicated in France. Where do they come from?

More and more people are ordering on the internet and especially on foreign sites. In other European countries. However, the regulations are the same everywhere in Europe. On certain fireworks, in particular f4 and f3 (categories that may present dangers, Editor’s note), the sites must verify that the buyer is of legal age and has specific knowledge on the subject only on the F. In the application, some sites foreigners do not apply this regulation.

What is the most purchased model?

Definitely the compact or ready to go. It is a set of small filled mortars fixed together. Otherwise, the candles are also sold well. People call them “mortar”. It is not. An f3 candle is great for a visual. The candle is there for the buzz. When it explodes, it’s pretty. The pyrotechnic charge remains limited. It is not harmless but almost, some young people shoot themselves with it. For them, it’s Harry Potter’s wand.

What use do people make of it?

Usually people buy it for a festive event. The father can buy some for his daughter’s wedding or even the group of friends to celebrate the New Year. They use loans to shoot. The show is ready and lasts a few minutes. After that, it is not uncommon that with candles, some also use them to shoot the police, it’s sad.

Does this democratization harm professionals?

It costs us dearly in terms of brand image. We don’t sell tricks to do harm. We want to give people pleasure. We have a number of prefectural decrees. By prohibiting the sale we will not stop the problem. We managed to set up a dialogue with the prefectures. Fireworks should not be demonized for a few malicious acts.

Jean Frédéric Dartigue Peyrou, general secretary of the Union of Manufacturers of Pyrotechnic Explosives and Fireworks

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