Home » News » Toulouse introduces ZFE simulator aimed at facilitating funding for eco-friendly vehicle purchase

Toulouse introduces ZFE simulator aimed at facilitating funding for eco-friendly vehicle purchase

It is a useful tool for all those who have an old car and plan to replace it, in particular because of the implementation of the Low Emission Zone (ZFE) in Toulouse (Haute-Garonne) since January 1st. To find your way around the many aids offered by the various institutions, the Archipel Citoyen association has imagined an online ZFE simulatorallowing in a few clicks to know what everyone can claim according to their situation.

“The implementation of the ZFE makes it possible to tackle the problem of pollution which kills thousands of people each year and also constitutes the opportunity to acquire a cleaner vehicle, explains Raphaël André, engineer in aeronautics and member of the Archipel Citoyen association which designed the Toulouse simulator. The metropolis of Rennes had already proposed such a tool so I took inspiration from it. This makes it possible to understand all possible scenarios and target aid. »

Eco-mobility vouchers from the Region, bonus or bonus from the State for conversion, there are aids, all of which can be combined to lower the bill a little. On the simulator, Internet users can do their calculations to find out the amount they will have to pay for a vehicle authorized to enter the ZFE.

Since the launch of this tool and communication on the association’s Twitter and Facebook pages, more than 500 connections have already been recorded. The feedback is rather positive but shows that Internet users above all need education. “Many people ask us what the reference tax income is, which shows that these low-income households are a bit lost,” explains the engineer.

To publicize this simulator, Archipel Citoyen is planning information stands or distribution of flyers in the streets of Toulouse.

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