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Toulouse. Covid-19: numbers still falling

the essential
Only fifty or so patients remain hospitalized for Covid-19 in Haute-Garonne. At the CHU, which has 30, the last admission to intensive care dates from 8 May. The virus is still circulating but weakly.

The reduction in the number of Covid-19 cases continues in the department. The director general of the Toulouse teaching hospital, Marc Penaud, said during his weekly press briefing that there were “bottom waves” with around 30 patients still hospitalized, two of whom are still in intensive care. Since the start of the deconfinement, on May 11, no Covid patient has gone through the emergency room, and the last admission to the intensive care unit was on May 8 for a patient discharged two days ago. “The decline in the number of cases started during confinement and has continued since. However, we remain cautious and always able to reorganize because the virus is still circulating,” said Marc Penaud. Another proof of the low circulation of the virus, the results of tests carried out since May 12 at the screening “drive” installed in Purpan: out of 500 patients coming on medical prescription, only 4 were tested positive. The virology laboratory at the Toulouse University Hospital, now able to carry out serological tests, will also be able to give information on the circulation of the virus in the coming weeks. “We estimate the number of people who have been in contact with the virus at 2 to 3% of the population. The tests to come, which will be done on the indications of retrospective diagnostics and serology for caregivers and professionals of medical establishments. social or prisons will be a good indicator “, underlines Pr Jacques Izopet, head of the biology and virology department of the Toulouse University Hospital. “Other tools will be added to allow us to characterize the strains of the virus and compare if the predominant strain is the same as in other regions,” continues the virologist.

The hospital has regained its classic configuration, or almost. Covid patients are referred to the department of infectious and tropical diseases, the rest of the activity has resumed at 85%, 50% for the outpatient and as much for consultations because of the barrier measures put in place. Maintaining Covid dedicated boxes and beds in emergencies requires a little more adaptation and flexibility for the hospitalization of patients. “But the surgical activity has not resumed completely, that compensates but it is true that the Covid constraint obliges us to do more gymnastics to find beds”, affirms Pr Vincent Bounes, chief of Samu 31.

In the Ehpad, 17 deaths in total

Since the start of the epidemic, nursing homes for dependent elderly people in Haute-Garonne have recorded 17 deaths linked to Covid-19 (9 in nursing homes and 8 in hospitals). A total of 1,500 caregivers and residents were tested for 133 positive cases. But how are these residents after more than two months of confinement? “We know that the period was deleterious, now it is necessary to quantify (induced deaths, hospitalizations, transport costs, etc.). This is the aim of the Piano-Covid study promoted by Pr Yves Rolland (selected and funded by the Ministry of Health, Editor’s note “, underlines Dr Hélène Villars, geriatrician at the Gérontopôle of the Toulouse University Hospital. “Life in nursing homes has not resumed as before, we understand the concerns of families … But we must also remember that a large number of deaths have been avoided,” she added.

The physiotherapists have been alerting them for more than a month. A national survey carried out by the French Federation of physiotherapist masseurs (FFMKR) shows that 82% of EHPAD residents did not have any rehabilitation sessions during confinement. Consequence: a passage of 38% of people who did not walk to 73% and 66% of muscle stiffness appeared since. “Not all of them have found their physiotherapist and we ask that the assessments of loss of capacity be made by the physiotherapists rather than by the doctors. Our survey shows that there were 52% falls during this period, which are emergency situations. We are not a profession of comfort “, recalls Damien Olivon, president of the FFMKR of Haute-Garonne, secretary general of the section on old age and autonomy of the FFMKR.

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