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Toulouse: a kindergarten closed on Monday after the discovery of at least one case of coronavirus

the essential
INFO LA DEPÊCHE / It’s worry at the Ernest-Renan nursery school in Toulouse. At the weekend, a staff member tested positive for Covid-19 and another case is suspected. All supervisory staff were invited to be tested. By common agreement, the town hall of Toulouse and the National Education decided to close the school this Monday, May 25.

This Monday morning, the ten or so students welcomed at the Ernest-Renan nursery school, in the Izards district of Toulouse, will not be classed due to the case of coronavirus diagnosed in the establishment.

At the end of the day this Friday, the authorities were informed that an Atsem (specialized territorial agent for nursery schools) had been diagnosed with Covid-19. “Immediately, we contacted the doctor of National Education and the Regional Health Agency, details Marion Lalane de Laubadère, assistant to the town hall of Toulouse in charge of education. And the protocol was initiated “Everyone who has been in contact with this Atsem has been notified and invited to be tested. By the time we get the results of these tests, our staff will be fortnightly.”

The elected official specifies: “This person was present the week of the reopening of the school, and intervened mainly on Clae times. The week which has just passed, she was on leave, and therefore absent from the structure. As it is planned on a daily basis, the school contact points have been disinfected. ” At first, everyone was scheduled to return to school on Monday, and the town hall had planned staff to replace those in the fortnight.

A second contaminated Atsem?

In a press release published on Sunday, May 24, the SUD General Council 31 union launched an alert and affirmed that “another Atsem declared fever and body aches on Friday, she, on the advice of 15, tested and will have the results within 24 to 48 hours. ” The union therefore called for the school to be closed on Monday. On the side of the Toulouse town hall, it is confirmed that a second person among the supervisory staff has been tested with covid-19 and is awaiting the results.

“I was on several occasions during the weekend in contact with the academic director of the National Education services,” continues Marion Lalane de Laubadère. Given the concern that reigns – and that we understand – we have jointly decided to close the Ernest-Renan nursery school on May 25. It should reopen this Tuesday, subject to conditions. ” During the weekend, the parents of the students had to be contacted by the rectorate to be informed of the situation.

To date, this is the only case of official covid-19 positive in a Toulouse school, according to the town hall, which claims to “follow all health protocols to the letter.”

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