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Toulouse: a fresco in memory of the two graffiti artists who died in the New York subway

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Graffiti artists Shick, Toncé, Bibi, Tase and Reso created a fresco in tribute to Julien Blanc, alias Jibeone and Pierre Audebert, alias Full1, two graffiti artists from Toulouse who died on April 20 in New York.

It is with amazement that the world of urban cultures learned of the accidental death of two graffiti artists last week in the New York subway. Graffiti artists Shick, Toncé, Bibi, Tase and Reso created a fresco in tribute to Julien Blanc, alias Jibeone and Pierre Audebert, alias Full1, two graffiti artists from Toulouse who died on April 20 in New York. The two artists were hit by a subway train while trying to make a graffiti.
The tribute fresco is visible on one of the exterior walls of the building which currently houses the Mister Freeze exhibition, boulevard de Suisse in Toulouse. It reads “Rest in Peace”. Other tributes to the two graffiti artists are planned soon in the Toulouse conurbation.

The fresco-tribute of Toulouse artists.

Julien and Pierre accompanied Ceet-Fouad to New York, the famous Toulouse graffiti artist who is still in the United States pending the repatriation of the bodies.

Read also :
Two Toulouse artists caught by a subway train in New York: the story of a tragedy

“Since our arrival in New York, they only thought of graffitiing a subway train. Here, in the cradle of urban culture. In the underground world, it’s a bit like an initiation rite. When I was young , I was able to do that, about twenty years ago… I knew it was very dangerous. I tried to dissuade them from doing it, but they did not listen to me”, told the artist at “La Dépêche du Midi”.

“We had rented an Airbnb. In the morning when I went to their room, I saw that they had not returned. At first, I said to myself that I was going to have to take a lawyer and that I pay their bail. I was sure they had been arrested by law enforcement. But when I checked the news on my phone and read that two men had been a train in Brooklyn, I immediately understood that it was them” added Cett-Fouad, devastated by the disappearance of his two friends.

The two artists exhibited internationally, recently in Morocco, Italy and Barcelona.

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