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Toulouse: a declining octogenarian appeals to the clemency of a landlord who demands thousands of euros

the essential
Promologis is demanding € 6,583 from an octogenarian who is forced, he says, to “leave the house for health reasons”. The social landlord accuses him of leaving his T3 in a sorry state. In debt to her relatives, the pensioner asks the organization to review her claims downwards …

“In the end, I was in so much pain that I had to climb stairs on all fours like an animal,” says Anne-Marie, 83.
With advancing age and osteoarthritis gaining ground every day, this former city hall secretary was forced to leave her 68m2 apartment on Place Arnaud-Bernard in early 2020 for an older residence adapted to his deteriorating health. Since her move, the legal dispute between her and Promologis, one of the largest social tenants in the region, follows with anguish.

The organization accuses him of having left his accommodation in a very bad state. The eighty-year-old had the levity not to participate in the inventory.
Within weeks of his departure, the bailiff who carried out this exit inspection would have shown “a little overzealousness” according to the retiree’s family. Result: several thousand euros of repairs of all kinds to be paid locally for this pensioner.

Excessive zeal of the bailiff?

Laetitia, her niece, a lawyer in the Ministry of Economy and Finance who has been dealing with her aunt’s administrative troubles for years, has decided to challenge this decision in court.
“This bailiff indicated in his report that the apartment was missing a porthole door. New, it is minimum 800 euros. The problem is that when it arrived in 2004, this door was already gone! Unfortunately, this was not reported in the entry device inventory. In his report he also noted that the floor covering had been damaged by the gas cooker, that a radiator that was no longer holding up well had been ripped off, or that the bathtub had been damaged … It completely concealed the natural deterioration. of this type of house… Anne-Marie lived there for more than 16 years! We have certificates proving that my aunt always looked after her apartment. She has also undertaken a lot of renovations but unfortunately we don’t have written documentation. “

Obsolescence at the center of the debates

Anne-Marie was ordered to pay the social landlord the tidy sum of 6,583.37 euros on June 21, 2021 (repairs, legal fees, cleaning). A bit of a cicada but above all taken by the throat by the amount of his new rent in a safe accommodation for the elderly (996 euros) and by the very expensive financing of dental expenses, the 80-year-old had no choice but to borrow this sum from the his relatives even if he receives a comfortable old-age pension (€ 1,996): “This story puts my morale in crisis. I take antidepressants to continue, “says the old lady.
He appealed and won but on the form for a procedural defect. He asks that Promologis significantly lower the score.

Promologis promises a “suitable solution”

The social landlord has chosen to go until the end of the proceedings: «It is on the basis of this complaint from the bailiff that he found multiple deteriorations in the apartment. and the scale established by the public authorities, which was determined the amount of rental repairs to be borne by the tenant at the end of his lease, including compensation for obsolescence. In the absence of contact with the former occupant of the apartment, an amicable solution could not be discussed. The decisive hearing will be held on 7 November. Promologis promises that “in case of conviction” of Anne-Marie, the damages will be made in a manner appropriate to her income.

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