After the First World War, Paul Valéry wrote: “We know that there are other civilizations now that we are mortal. We have heard of whole worlds disappearing, of empires sunk with all their men, into the unexplored depths of the ages with their gods and laws. All is not lost but everything felt like it was dying. A tremor ran through the marrow of Europe.”
Of course, we can only repent without serious political debates. Cut off from the reality of their fellow citizens, politicians no longer have any ideas.
An example with the group LFI (far left) in the National Assembly, contradicting the position of its partners (non-condemnation of Islamic terrorism Hamas, support for the Marxist Venezuelan dictator, communist approach targeting Muslims French). This will allow him to win urban and community constituencies. Criticism from the PS, the PCF or the ecologists (who welcome LFI dissidents) does not lead to a break with LFI for reasons of basic electoral interest.
Also, we avoid talking about the economic and social crisis, the failure of the government in terms of employment, security, immigration, housing and education. We hide the real questions by creating fear.
In the uproar of the hemicycle, Nathalie Oziol became agitated: “France cannot accept international law being stamped out!” I’m not sure if we protect civilization by putting barbarism on ourselves”! The deputy head of the RN Julien Odoul attacked the Insoumis, accusing them of being “hands on with Hamas”, with the support of his colleagues Laurent Jacobelli and Pierre Lottiaux: “They are your friends, the terrorists”!
LFI deputy chief Thomas Portes lost his cool, shouting threats towards Odoul with the famous “Shut up!” We take care of you! We are going to explain ourselves outside, you see! Inappropriate comments coming from the representative of the people.
To replace the financial leaders who have reduced our public spending, which has become unmanageable (57% of GDP in 2023), i.e. a gap of 260 billion with our neighbors and debtors of 80 billion in 2027, we may see the creation of the Ministry of Drug Trade, an economic sector that is doing well with a turnover of 6 billion and 250,000 jobs!
We need to replace the auto industry that lost 150,000 jobs and 200,000 more by 2035! Thank you environmentalists!
At the Ministry of Agriculture civil servants are doing well, as Sarah Knafo said: “In 1980 there were 1,200,000 farmers and 16,000 civil servants. In 2024, there will be only 400,000 farmers left and only 36,000 civil servants in the Ministry of Agriculture!
Finally, Eric Ciotti’s Union of Rights of the Republic (UDR) group wants to reduce the budget allocated to migrant aid associations by €500 million.
In 2016, the subsidy amounted to €306 million compared to €981 million in 2022. Associations that provide legal advice to organize appeals against the State that subsidizes them! We are walking on our heads!
2024-11-05 17:50:00
#TOULON #rise #fall #French #politicians #Presse #Agence