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Toulon-Hyères, a derby under high temperature • Actufoot • Pro / amateur football news

The N2 championship has only resumed for a week and it is already time for the N2 Var derby between Sporting Toulon and Hyères 83 FC. It will be necessary to wait until the end of the match to know if this opposition between two teams still in progress happened too early in the season (2nd day), but the expectation generated by this first confrontation between the two neighbors of 83 nonetheless remains. exciting.

Toulon got off to a good start …

On the Toulonnais side, the first pleasure to savor is to be able to replay in front of your supporters at Bon Rencontre for the first time since October 2020. And who better than the rival club taken over by Mourad Boudjellal, the former boss of the RCT who planned to buy the Sporting, to start a season at home? With a draw torn in extremis last week on the lawn of Goal FC (2-2), another serious contender for accession, the formation of Ludovic Batelli has shown reassuring virtues that it will certainly want to confirm. “It’s a derby at home and we have to win it. With the return of our supporters, I expect a very nice party”, said striker Manuel Delgado, whose explosion four years ago took place in the opposite camp.

Hyères much less

Unable to conclude their actions and trapped in a very solid formation of Louhans-Cuiseaux (2-0), the Hyérois do not appear in a state of optimal confidence in enemy territory. Rekindled against certain individual attitudes after the meeting, Lilian Compan banged his fist on the table publicly this week to warn his players. The former striker, who has to deal with much greater results pressure than in the past in view of the investments made (fifteen new players have signed including Martin and Mollo), is already waiting for a reaction from his men. The neutral spectators, them, hope for a good advertisement for the Var football and the spectacle in spite of the strong heat announced on the department.

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