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Tough quarantine in Dnipro: what rules and prohibitions came into force today – full list

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Transport in Dnipro will work, but the number of passengers and the time for beneficiaries are limited (Photo: Dniprovska Miska Rada via Facebook)

Thursday 25 March quarantine in Dnipro significantly tightened. Although the city remains in the orange zone, local authorities have decided to tighten the restrictions preemptively.

NV tells everything that is important to know about the new quarantine rules in Dnipro.

Why strict quarantine is being introduced in Dnipro

The decision to maximize quarantine was announced on March 23 by the mayor of Dnipro, Boris Filatov. New measures entered into force from 00:00 Thursday, March 25, and will last until April 13.

«And although Dnipro is not yet in the red zone (and, I hope, will not be) made a strong-willed decision to do it. Unlike other territorial communities, we will not pull ‘all the way’ and then suffer with the collapse of the health care system, ”Filatov explained this step following a meeting of the city commission on fuel and energy security and emergency situations.

The mayor of Dnipro recalled several factors aggravating the situation with the spread of COVID-19: the virus has become aggressive, seriously ill «got younger “, and the deaths are recorded «too much”.

At the time of Filatov’s statement, the Dnipropetrovsk region was in the orange quarantine zone. More than three days exceeded here hospitalization rate per 100 thousand inhabitants (110.6 according to data for March 22, with a rate of up to 60). In addition, as of March 22, one more criterion was exceeded in the region – epidemiological threshold of ARVI incidence (is 107.3%, although it should not be more than 100%). If both of these factors remain above the permissible norm for several more days, the Dnipropetrovsk region may officially find itself in the red zone.

«We hope for your understanding, civil maturity and compliance with elementary anti-epidemiological measures, ”Filatov addressed the residents of Dnipro, announcing new measures.

What is prohibited in Dnipro from March 25 to April 13

From midnight Thursday, March 25, new strict quarantine rules came into force in Dnipro. According to protocol meetings of the city commission on emergency situations, these are the following restrictions:

  • restaurants, cafes, shops (trade establishments and catering) can work only if there is at least 10 square meters of space for each client in the premises;
  • mass events are prohibited (religious, cultural, educational, sports, social, educational etc.) with the participation of more than one person per 4 sq.m. area or when individual rooms are more than 50% full (for cinemas, theaters etc.);
  • canceled mass events in schools and kindergartens involving more than one class / group, the presence of spectators is also prohibited (parents) at such events;
  • the ability to use transport for beneficiaries is reduced: now such categories of passengers will be able to use the metro and other types of urban transport only from 10.00 to 15.00;
  • high school students after vacation (from March 29 to April 13) are switching to distance education (5-11 grades), junior grades (1-4) and kindergartens will be able to study as usual;
  • all extracurricular institutions (incl. sports and art schools) must go to distance mode;
  • universities and colleges also it is recommended to switch to remote mode.
  • official sporting events must take place without the participation of spectators.

How will transport work in the Dnieper?

Metro and other types of public transport in Dnipro will operate during the lockdown, however, subject to such standards:

  • the number of passengers in ground transport should not exceed the number of seats provided for by the technical specifications;
  • beneficiaries can use the subway and other types of public transport only from 10.00 to 15.00 (benefits are not valid at other hours);
  • during peak hours, the number of transport routes will be increased, the routes of which pass near large industrial enterprises;
  • passengers are not allowed to travel without respirators or masks (including homemade ones);
  • disinfection of transport vehicles (valid for the entire quarantine period as a whole).

What else is allowed during the lockdown period in Dnipro?

For the period of tightening quarantine in the Dnieper (from March 25 to April 13) remain open:

  • kindergartens and elementary school (1-4 grades) – work as usual;
  • food and non-food markets;
  • the shops – subject to the above standards (no more than 1 visitor per 10 sq. m);
  • restaurants, cafes, other catering establishments – subject to the above standards (no more than 1 visitor per 10 sq. m);
  • cinemas, theaters and other cultural institutions – subject to the above standards (no more than 50% of the halls occupancy);
  • gyms and fitness centers – at subject to the presence of no more than 1 person per 10 sq. m;
  • swimming pools – no more than 4 people on one track for individual lessons or 6 for group lessons;
  • institutions of physical education and sports (sports schools of various types) – without group lessons with the participation of more than 8 people, and also provided that no more than 1 person is present per 20 sq. m area;
  • sports tournaments and events allowed without spectators and subject to the presence of no more than 1 person per 20 sq. m area and maintaining a distance of 1.5 m;
  • work Gas stations, auto repair shops and service stations;
  • work banks;
  • work veterinary clinics and pharmacies;
  • work post offices;
  • work household services, firms for the repair of computers and household appliances, a company for the provision of telecommunications services.

No – until the Dnieper is in the red zone.

In the minutes of the meeting of the city commission for emergency situations, which describes the new rules for strict quarantine, the requirement to wear a mask is provided only in such cases:

  • in transport;
  • in public buildings and structures (all public enclosed spaces, including shops etc.).

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