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Tough punishments for Greek far-right exposlance, convicted are 40

For life, Jorgos Rupakis was sentenced to life in prison for the murder of rapper and left-wing activist Pavlos Fyssas.

It was after this 2013 assassination that the Greek judiciary launched an investigation into the members of the Golden Dawn, which led to the current process, which is considered historic by Greek standards. 68 people were tried in the trial, including nearly two dozen exhibitors from the former Golden Dawn parliamentary party and one MEP for the party.

Last week, a court in Athens ruled that the party was guilty of a criminal organization and Rupakis of the murder of anti-fascist Fyssas. Nearly forty members and supporters of the Golden Dawn found the court guilty of various acts, including violence against immigrants. One of the former deputies of the Golden Dawn party was sentenced to ten years in prison, other members of the party were sentenced by a court to five to seven years for membership in a criminal organization.

Golden Dawn was founded by Michaloliakos in the 1980s as a neo-Nazi movement that later became a political party. It gained a wide range of supporters during the economic crisis with its anti-immigration policy. From 2012 to 2019, this party was also represented in the Greek Parliament, where in 2012 it briefly occupied 21 of the 300 seats of the legislature. In 2014, it also won three seats in the European Parliament. Lagos became an MEP last July.

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