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Tottenham’s Brandon Austin arrives in Orlando City on loan

Imagen: Tottenham Hotspurs y MLS

Orlando City announces the arrival of Brando Austin, a 22-year-old English goalkeeper who belongs to Tottenham Hostpur in the Premier League.

The youth goal is on loan for six months with an option for six more months and comes, also from a loan period with Viborg FF in the NordicBet Liga, where he participated in 14 games during the 2019-20 season.

Brandon Austin arrives to share position with the Peruvian World Cup player Pedro Gallese; the experienced ex of Los Angeles Galaxy Brian Rowe and with the youthful Mason Stajduhar.

“Lhe addition of Brandon to our roster is an exciting step in solidifying our roster for 2021 and we hope that his experience in Tottenham’s academy and youth system will not only add a different perspective, but will also create more competition among our strong core of goalkeepers”Stated the team’s executive vice president of operations, Luiz Muzzi.

Having proven to be a promising young goalkeeper and leader in England, we are excited to see how his development continues with us this season.He commented.

Óscar Pareja is preparing for the following season

A high bar was set and the fan won’t expect less than this”, Colombian coach Óscar Pareja commented in an interview with an international portal, regarding what is coming for the 2021 MLS season that is presumed to start in March.

We have set a very high level in convincing the players that we can go further; And with my philosophy with them, which is that each one has to aspire to more every day. Do not look at the minimum, but always aspire to the maximum. We aspire to give Orlando titles. We know that it is something ambitious, that it is a young project, but I think it is the way things are done“Said the coach who is in his second year against Orlando City.

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