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TOTTENHAM | Kane se reinventa

El Tottenham, despite the unconditional effort of some of his men, suffers a deep pothole in the Premier League that moves him to the eighth position of the table with 36 points. The championship is already practically impossible and the Champions League positions get more complicated every week. However, the club and, more specifically, one of its footballers have in hand to break a historical record in the English league. Who else: Harry Kane.

The English striker, who continues to have problems with his ankles, aims to break the record for most assists in a season. After 23 days (Tottenham has played 22 and the protagonist, 20), Kane has signed a total of eleven decisive passes to his teammates. The record remains the property of Thierry Henry, shared with De Bruyne. Both signed 20. Despite the image of the forward in his youth, as an area ‘killer’, his football has evolved to become much more than a predator. In fact, it should be noted that eThe player himself pays close attention to this aspect of the game and is even more excited than scoring goals. In that vocation there are even more possibilities to break the record.

Harry Kane is being, along with Son, the leader of Tottenham de Mourinho. Despite his continuous annoyances, the English striker signs large numbers: 13 goals and 11 assists in 20 games by Premier. Beyond that, he has become an all-field player. Continuously seen wandering through three-quarter zone to give oxygen to theirs on the offensive. It also falls to bands, as if it were a false ‘9’, but being a classic ‘9’ in the rival area. An auctioneer with a tendency to plot his team’s football.

This was demonstrated in an exhibition against Southampton on the second day of competition. That day he scored a goal and gave four assists, for Tottenham to prevail by two points to five. As is its own, that recital contributes enormously to his number of goal passes. But it is not something temporary. In the next four games he also attended. Later it lowered its level, also as a result of the change in trend of those of Mou, who went from leading the table to not even being in European competitions in a matter of weeks. Still, there are two sides: with Kane or without Kane. In the two games he missed due to physical problems, the Londoners had two defeats. Because the ‘9’, in addition to scoring, plays.

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(Image source: Sofascore. The graph refers to the matches of all competitions).

Connection with Son

Sometimes dependency on a footballer is understood depending on how the team reacts to his absence. Tottenham lost, something that could be anecdotal, but, above all, they did not carburize. Son and Kane have signed one of the best couples on the European continent when the wind blew in their favor. In the low of the forward, the Korean was somewhat lost. Son is a very mobile footballer, who enjoys space and who connects with the offensive benchmark fantastically. Without Kane, Son is Kane. But Son is not Kane and the team pays for him. They both know how to exploit their partner’s best resource. They have automated their movements, their diagonals and their unchecks. A task of ‘cracks’, inappropriate for a forward of the area to use. This Kane is so much more.

Changes in your game and total efficiency

That something has changed in Kane is evident. So far, his best assist record in a full season in the Premier League was seven. There wasn’t even an upward trend, as it did in 2016-17. Since then, add two, four and two in the next three campaigns. Moreover, football is not just statistics and it could turn out that his game was not transformed into goals despite the fact that he did generate it, but neither is it the case. Kane’s biggest assist trend so far in his entire career is 5.55. This goes to say that the best year of the forward in this record should have ended with 5 or 6 assists. Finally, he signed seven.

Last year, without going any further, he played 29 Premier matches. In them, he deserved 3.12 assists. That is, he generated chances for his teammates and gave passes to transform 3.12 goals. They responded with only two converts. And here is Kane’s big change. With the halfway point of the season just passed, the forward has already generated 5.51 assists. And it takes eleven. The statistics are clear. In addition to what his football generates, the rest of the Tottenham players have done their part to score unexpected goals and of great merit. Despite this, the English international is about to wield as much total offensive control as his best campaign in London. Remember: there are 16 games to play. It is a matter of time whether or not he can beat the record. De Bruyne and Grealish, with ten assists, also have something to say. But there is a change in his craft. A transformation that wants, despite everything, to take its people to the top. Kane is reinventing.

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