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Total Lunar Eclipse May 26, PP Muhammadiyah Imbau to Hold Khusuf Prayers

Suara.com – Majelis Tarjih dan Tajdid Muhammadiyah Central Leadership announced a total lunar eclipse that will occur in all regions of Indonesia on Wednesday (26/5/2021).

All Muhammadiyah leaders and members are also encouraged to hold lunar eclipse prayers and observe lunar eclipses.

The appeal was issued by the Tarjih and Tajdid Council of the Muhammadiyah Center Leadership through Information Number 01/MLM/I.1/E/2021 issued in Yogyakarta on 19 May 2021.

“The Tarjih and Tajdid Assembly of the Muhammadiyah Central Leadership calls on the leaders and citizens of the Muhammadiyah to perform the lunar eclipse prayer (salat khusuf) as well as observing lunar eclipses, “said the Deputy Chairman of the Tarjih and Tajdid Council of PP Muhammadiyah, Oman Fathurohman in information collected by Suara.com, Saturday (22/5/2021).

Also Read:
Total Lunar Eclipse 26 May 2021, See www.bmkg.go.id

Because it is still in the midst of the Covid-19 pandemic conditions, PP Muhammadiyah reminded that all activities should be carried out by strictly implementing health protocols.

The Tarjih Council and the Tajdid PP Muhammadiyah recorded the process of a total lunar eclipse along with its timing, such as:

  1. Penumbral eclipse starts at 15:47:39 WIB 16:47:39 WITA 17:47:39 WIT
  2. Partial eclipse starts at 16:44:57 WIB 17:44:57 WITA 18:44:57 WIT
  3. Total eclipse starting at 18:11:25 WIB 19:11:25 WITA 20:11:25 WIT
  4. In the middle of the eclipse, 18:18:40 WIB 19:18:40 WITA 20:18:40 WIT
  5. Total eclipse ends at 18:25:55 WIB 19:25:55 WITA 20:25:55 WIT
  6. The partial eclipse ends at 19:52:22 WIB 20:52:22 WITA 21:52:22 WIT
  7. The Penumbral eclipse ends at 20:49:41 WIB 21:49:41 WITA 22:49:41 WIT.

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