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Total lockdown in Austria, mandatory vaccination from February

The corona figures in Austria are not going well: the country has the most infections in all of Europe. That is why the country will go into lockdown from Monday, for a maximum of 20 days.

‘Failing to convince’

There will also be a vaccination obligation throughout the country. Anyone who has not yet been vaccinated against corona by 1 February next year will be obliged to take a shot.

“We haven’t been able to convince enough people to get vaccinated,” Schallenberg said. “We have to face reality. That is why we have made a very difficult decision. There will be a national vaccination obligation.”

Vaccination coverage in Austria is low: 74 percent of people over 12 are fully vaccinated. In the Netherlands this is 83 percent. According to the Wiener Zeitung, Austria is more skeptical about vaccinations than many other countries. In addition, the right-wing populist party FPÖ has been conducting an anti-vaccination campaign for some time. Relatively few people have been vaccinated in places where that party is popular.

Already lockdown for unvaccinated

A lockdown was already introduced last Monday for people who have not been vaccinated against the corona virus. They are only allowed to go out for shopping, exercise and if it is necessary for their work.

Austria was the first country to introduce a ‘2G policy’. Under that policy, only people who have been vaccinated or cured of corona can receive a corona pass or QR code, which you need, for example, to visit a restaurant.

In most other countries, including the Netherlands, a 3G policy applies, whereby you can also receive a QR code with a negative corona test. But here too there is talk of introducing 2G.

You can see how that works in this video:

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