23-17 Hands-out by Armin.
23-16 Amin’s wall on Sbertoli.
23-15 Diagonal out of Michieletto.
23-14 Good feint by Vadi.
23-13 Beats Paykan late.
22-13 Fayazi gets the better of the net skirmish.
22-12 Ace Podrascinin!
21-12 Michieletto sentence!
20-12 Wall Michieletto!
19-12 Sbertoli’s touch after a super defense!
18-12 Michieletto and Lisinac without problems on the wall!
17-12 Lisinac! What a wall!
16-12 Another hands-out for Kaziyski.
15-12 Fayazi makes it pass under the opponent’s wall.
15-11 Hands-out Kaziyski.
14-11 Kaziyski just out.
14-10 Ace Kaziyski!
13-10 Podrascinin with the attack diagonally.
12-10 Third point for Fayazi.
12-9 Lamin also goes out to serve.
11-9 Michieletto shoots out the service.
11-8 Lisinac takes the time.
10-8 Good reception and reconstruction of Paykan.
10-7 Kaziyski after the Trento wall plays again!
9-7 Lavia very powerful! What a wave!
8-7 Amin undermines the defense of Trento.
8-6 Ace Podrascinin!!
7-6 Michieletto on the wall.
6-6 Podrascinin’s service online.
6-5 Podrascinin at the second point in the second set.
5-5 Wall Fallah on Kaziyski: first of the match.
5-4 Amin powerful and precise.
5-3 Good feint by Podrascinin.
4-3 Amin’s good line.
4-2 Hands-out Kaziyski.
2-3 Another point from Amin in attack with the diagonal.
2-2 Good wall of Trento.
1-2 Michieletto’s first intention attack does not pass.
1-1 Amin takes advantage of the hands of the block.
1-0 Out of Fayhrazi’s service.
25-20 FIRST SEPTEMBER TRENTO! Kaziyski with the sixth point, first set dominated in the second part: the Dolomites are in control.
24-20 Kaziyski fails to defend himself.
24-19 Ace Podascinin! Setpoints Five.
23-19 Lavia from the second line!
22-19 Lavia is wrong in batting.
22-18 Laviaaaa!! I lengthen Trento.
21-18 Michieletto in the center!
20-18 Fayazi is not wrong from place four.
20-17 Podrascinin on the wall!
19-17 Lavia mura Amin.
18-17 Lavia and Podrascinin are disturbed.
18-16 Second service error for Paykan.
17-16 Michieletto is wrong in the service.
17-15 Lisinac’s stratospheric wall!
16-15 Michieletto’s millimeter long line.
15-15 Fallah scored for his second point.
15-14 First half in the center of Lisinac.
14-14 Another wrong joke from Trento.
14-13 Very strong Kaziyski without a wall.
13-13 Fourth personal point for Amin.
13-12 Kaziyski of breakthrough puts it down.
12-12 Kaziyski is also wrong.
12-11 Not much outside Paykan’s service.
11-11 Mani-out Fayazi.
11-10 Michieletto violent on the hands of the wall.
10-10 Service error for Lisinac himself.
10-9 Lisinac’s ball falls down.
9-9 Sbertoli’s desperate defense is long.
9-8 Daniele Lavia’s pipe is on the field.
8-8 Kaziyski is a sentence.
7-8 Michieletto fails to break through twice.
7-7. It still affects Anin in attack.
7-6 Reception and Lavia does not forgive.
6-6 Fayazi from place 4!
6-5 Great diagonal attack by Daniele Lavia.
5-5 Good first half for the Iranians.
5-4 Service error for Kaziyski.
5-3 Wall Trento!!
4-3 Find the touch on the attack from the second line Michieletto.
3-3 Great diagonal by Kaziyski.
2-3 Anin attacks big from the second line.
2-2 Perfect attack by Lisinac.
1-2 First half also for the Iranians.
1-1 Winning first half for Lisinac.
0-1 Service error for Sbertoli.
21.57 We remind you that at 1.00 there will also be the debut of Sir Safety Perugia against Volei Renata.
21.53 Trento tomorrow will face Itambé Minas with whom the first place in pool B will in all probability be played. A good start for Michieletto and his companions is essential.
21.49 The Paykan started with a debut defeat against Itambé Minas for 3 sets to 1.
21.45 Good evening friends of OA Sport and welcome to the LIVE LIVE of Trento-Paykan, the debut of the Dolomites in the 2022 Volleyball Club World Cup.
Good evening friends of OA Sport and welcome to LIVE LIVE from Trento-Paykan, first day of the group stage of the 2022 Volleyball Club World Cup.
Itas Trentino volleyball he comes to this Club World Cup with a good situation in the league: six wins and five defeats which are worth the provisional third position. So far also the path in the Champions League has been good, with three wins out of three. Michieletto will be one of the reference points of the team that will try to push towards the semi-final.
Opposite are the modest Iranians of the Paykan: the setter is Mohammad Taher Vada, the opposite is Reza Rezaei, the bands are Hamzeh Zarini (within the national team) and Pourya Fayazi, the centre-backs Mohammad Fallah and Ali Shafiei. Free Mohammad Reza Hazratpour. An all Iranian roster.
OA Sport offers you the LIVE LIVE from Trento-Paykanfirst match of the group stage of the Volleyball Club World Cup 2022. It starts at 22.00. Good fun!
Photo: Lapresse