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Torrential rains flood Australia’s sacred Aboriginal mountain

The heavy rains in recent days in Australia have caused the sacred mountain of the aborigines Australian has become a veritable waterfall.

Aboriginal Mount Uluru is located in a dry climate zone in central Australia. But the strong showers have caused that the ridges of this rock formation have been completely covered by the water.

Such has been the amount of Torrential rains in the oceanic country that authorities have had to evacuate thousands of people in western Sydney, on the north central coast of New South Wales and in the state of Queensland. Likewise, many areas have been isolated after the passage of the storm.

Houses completely flooded by water, blocked roads, parks turned into lakes and trapped cars have become everyday scenes in Australia in recent weeks. It had been 60 years since it had rained so intensely at this time of year generating as many floods as those currently suffering in many areas of the country.

The floods of water have forced the closure of more than 200 schools while the troops continue working to alleviate the situation. The worst affected area is the north central coast community and the districts of Hunter, between Sydney and Port Macquarie, and Central Tablelands, west of Sydney.

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