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Torrential rain flooded the Šumava streams, Stachy was flooded

Torrential rain in Stashi. | Video: Jakub Vlášek, Firefighters Stachy

On Sunday afternoon, southern Bohemia was tormented by a storm that came from Šumava and gradually affected other areas of the region. According to Markéta Augustinová from the Czech Hydrometeorological Institute, meteorologists measured 47 mm of precipitation at the station in Vimperk. “To the west of Vimperk, according to the radar, the precipitation was even greater, it could have been twice as much,” said Markéta Augustinová, adding that meteorologists do not have a station west of Vimperk in that area. “Local floods affected Stachy and Zdíkovec. Firefighters also intervened there,” added Markéta Augustinová with examples of places where the storm was extremely intense.

Before half past three in the afternoon, the Jáchymovský stream in Stašy flooded after torrential rain. Water floods the village. The consequences of the rain were captured by Jakub Vlášek from the Šumaska ​​assistance and towing service. Firefighters register over twenty trips in connection with the storm in Vimpersk and Strakonick. “In 16 cases, we pumped water several times in Stachy and Vimperek, as well as in Lažiště, Výškovice, Prachatice, Strakonice and Řepice,” said the fire department on network X. The fallen trees were in Lenora, Zdíkovec, Lštění, Kratušín, Předslavice and Sedlice.

Photogallery: Flash flood in Stashi

According to the Czech Hydrometeorological Institute, in Vimpersk, storm cells started almost motionless or slowly spread to the northeast and east to Strakonicko and Prachaticko. Over 50 mm of precipitation may occasionally fall during repeated thunderstorms. “The area of ​​Vimperska is very saturated, so the rain will cause an increased outflow of water from the landscape and flooding of lower-lying places,” meteorologists said in the warning, which was partially fulfilled.

For example, meteorologists recorded 42 mm of water column in Strakonice and 35 mm in Husinc. At the same time, in Vimpersk, a storm between 2 and 3 p.m. was enough for such a water allocation.

A storm arrived over České Budějovice before 4 p.m. It was also accompanied by heavy rain in the South Bohemian metropolis, but of lesser intensity.

Photogallery: Storm in České Budějovice

During the evening, we expect the passage of another band of precipitation,” pointed out Markéta Augustinová on Sunday after 4 p.m., adding that storms are already forming in the southwest beyond the borders.

For the night and Monday, August 19, 2024, meteorologists have predicted cloudy to overcast conditions, showers and thunderstorms in places, heavy at first, and rain in the morning. Lowest night temperatures 18 to 15 °C. Moderate west to northwest wind 2 to 5 m/s. In strong thunderstorms, the occurrence of hail and torrential rainfall is possible.

It should be cloudy again during the day, with occasional rain. In the afternoon, precipitation will stop from the northwest, in the evening in the north of the region, the cloudiness will also partially decrease. Highest daily temperatures 18 to 21 °C, 15 to 18 °C in the mountains. Moderate north wind 2 to 5 m/s.

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