By Le Figaro with AFP
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The Missouri was hit by a tornado on Wednesday April 5, which killed at least five people, according to authorities in this central United States state. “Five confirmed deaths“, said in a message to AFP Sergeant Clark Parrott, spokesman for the Missouri traffic police.
Footage from the local Fox 2 channel showed trees uprooted, houses blown away in the village of Glenallen in the southeast of the state. Several villages in Bollinger County”were hit by what appears to be a sizable tornado early this morningsaid county sheriff Casey Graham, further confirming the five deaths.
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“Search operations (…) in progress”
«Throughout the morning and even now, our search and assistance operations are ongoing“, he continues on the Facebook page of the Bollinger County Sheriff’s Office. Tornadoes, meteorological phenomena as impressive as they are difficult to predict, are common in the United States, especially in the center and south of the country. Tornadoes and violent thunderstorms that swept through several American states last weekend killed at least 32 people.
Tennessee was particularly affected with fifteen deaths linked to severe weather, the emergency management agency of this southern state reported on Sunday. A week earlier, a tornado swept through Mississippi, killing 25 people and causing extensive property damage. President Biden was there.