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Topics related to Corona vs. children.

München, 13.12.2021

The past year of the Corona pandemic has had a lot to do with children, adolescents and (young) adults
due to the restrictions imposed in daycare centers and schools,
but also in extracurricular activities and in personal leisure time massive impairments
both in the psychosocial area and with regard to the
Long-lasting negative effects are already being observed on educational opportunities.

Despite considerable commitment from educators and professionals in youth welfare and
the efforts of families to make the best of the difficult new situation,
The crisis has significantly exacerbated already existing educational inequalities.
The Education Policy Forum therefore sees an urgent need for change in the entire education sector
from early childhood to school, vocational and higher education
to adult education, which leads to a new learning and school culture.

The aspects presented below describe important cornerstones of a stable, crisis-proof
and future-oriented education system that arise from the current crisis mode.

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