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TOP12 achievements in Latvian science in 2022 :: Dienas Bizness

The Latvian Academy of Sciences (LZA) has compiled last year’s greatest achievements in science in Latvia, highlighting a total of 12 studies on various topics, such as cancer treatment, various aspects of Latvian history and a more efficient way of obtaining hydrogen.

In the field of theoretical science, the creation of a new approach to the development of personalized anti-cancer drugs, which was carried out by academician Ivars Kalvins together with researchers Viktor Andrianova, Ilona Domracheva, Iveta Kanepi, Diana Zelencova-Gopejenko and Irena Leiti, was highlighted.

The representatives of LZA inform that the Institute of Organic Synthesis of Latvia has in this context carried out an in-depth understanding of the mechanism by which malignant tumors form metastases in the body and avoid the attack of the immune system. The obtained results can be used in the development of anti-cancer drugs for personalized therapy, the scientists explain. Research has designed, synthesized, studied and patented specific molecules that reduce cancer growth and that are useful in the process of developing personalized anti-cancer drugs.

A monograph created by an international collective was also highlighted as an achievement, in which the formation of Latvian modern society and the interaction of writing are revealed. The authors and editors of the book are literary scholars Pauls Daija and Benedikts Kalnačs, experts from various fields participated in its creation – Kristiāna Ābele, Inguna Daukste-Silasproģe, Mārtiņš Mintaurs, Ginta Pērle-Sīle and Aiga Šemeta.

The monograph reflects the history of Latvian literature of the 19th century, paying attention to the interaction between the formation of Latvian modern society and writing. The work examines the press, associations, the reading revolution of that time, the interaction of folklore and writing, and the importance of translations in the formation of literary culture.

The research on officers of Latvian origin in the army of the Russian Empire from the second half of the 19th century to 1914 is mentioned as unique. LZA academician Ārik Jēkabson’s monograph is a unique study in the recent history of Latvia with national and international significance, according to LZA. For the first time in Latvian historiography, a broad insight into the military service and the profession of an officer, the involvement of Latvian soldiers in the military conflicts of the considered stage and the formation of national identity is provided.

The fourth achievement is the study of the first Latvian philosopher Jēkab Osi and the trend of personalism. Scientist Andras Hirš’s monograph “Person and personalism: surviving the collapse of idealism. The life and works of the first Latvian philosopher Jēkab Oš” tells about one of the ideological founders of the University of Latvia (LU). The research reveals new aspects in Latvian intellectual history.

Also, reference is made to the monograph in which research was conducted on the challenges of the Latvian economy and society and the development of a smart economy and society. Its chief editor is LZA academician Baiba Rivža, and responsible editor – Ausma Mukāne. The areas studied in the monograph are technological and social innovations, digitization of companies, digital competence of society, aging and stratification of society with the necessary improvement of the pension system and others.

Chromatic materials for smart windows and zero energy buildings have been developed in the field of applied science. LZA academician Juris Purāns and scientists Ilze Aulika, Boriss Poliakovs, Mārtiņš Zubkins, Smaguls Karazhanov and the Institute of Solid State Physics (CFI) of the LU participated in their creation. 14 scientific articles have been published in high-level research journals.

The seventh achievement mentions the development of an innovative type of electrolysis to split water and produce hydrogen with high efficiency in a cheap and safe way. The scientists Mārtiņš Vanags, Guntis Kučkovskis, Juris Kostjukovs, Laimons Jēkabsons, Anatolijs Šarakovskis, Krišjānis Šmits, Līga Bikše, Andris Šutka, as well as the Institute of Materials and Surface Technologies of Riga Technical University, Faculty of Chemistry of LU and CFI of LU are involved in this process. LZA explains that the electrolysis equipment used so far has several shortcomings, while the innovative approach developed by Latvian researchers will make possible the wide implementation of electrolysis in hydrogen production.

The Academy of Sciences also points to the creation of a unique industrial robotics solution, which is an intelligent robot with advanced vision, sensing and understanding of human gestures. LZA academician Modris Greitāns, as well as researchers Jānis Arents, Pēteris Rachinskis, Bjorns Debaile, Pavels Kostka and Bernds Lesers participated in this process.

Together with colleagues from Belgium, Germany and Austria, a unique industrial robotics solution was created, which is able to perceive and interpret the surrounding environment, as well as interact with objects and people in it. With the help of a 3D camera and embedded artificial intelligence algorithms, the robot is able to classify and localize various, arbitrarily located objects in order to make decisions related to actions with them, LZA offers.

LZA refers to compounds created by scientists that improve the effectiveness of antibacterial therapy. This was done by LZA academicians Edgars Liepiņš and Edgars Sūna, as well as researchers Pavels Donets, Kirils Šubins, Dmitrijs Lubriks, Andrejs Barans, Jānis Kūka, Solveiga Grīnberga, Marina Martjug, Mārtiņš Priede, as well as the Institute of Organic Synthesis of Latvia.

Scientists have developed a new combination therapy approach to combat bacterial resistance and effectively treat acute infectious diseases such as sepsis, pneumonia and urinary tract infections. The new therapeutic approach is designed to combat particularly dangerous microorganisms that are practically insensitive to all antibacterial agents used in medicine.

Research on pituitary tumors in Latvia to discover new biological markers is highlighted as the tenth achievement. This was done by scientists Helvijs Niedra, Raitis Pechulis, Rihards Saksis, Ilona Mandrika, Kaspars Megnis, Ramona Petrovska, Helena Daiga Litvina, Olesja Rogoza, Inga Balcere, Ilze Konrāde, Mihails Romanovs, Liva Shtein, Jānis Stukēns, Austra Breikša, Yuris Nazarov, Yelizaveta Sokolovska, Rasa Liutkeviciene, Alvita Vilkeviciute, Vita Rovīte and LZA academicians Valdis Pīrāgs Jānis Kloviņš.

LZA representatives explain – in order to apply the most effective therapy to each patient, the analysis of molecular markers of cancer is increasingly used in the diagnosis of malignant tumors. In the case of pituitary neuroendocrine tumors, they have not been available until now. Therefore, in cooperation with the Paula Stradiņš Clinical University Hospital, the Riga Eastern Clinical University Hospital and the Lithuanian University of Health Sciences, the researchers of the Latvian Biomedical Research and Study Center, led by Rovīte, have conducted research on pituitary neuroendocrine tumors in more than 500 patients. The study paves the way for the development of molecular diagnostic tests for early diagnosis.

The LZA also points to the research of the BRV virus of budworm and blackcurrant reversion for sustainable cultivation of berries of the genus Ribes. Researchers Inga Moročko-Bičevska, Arturs Stalažs, Gunārs Lācis, Valda Laugale, Kristīne Drevinska, Neda Zuļģe, Katrīna Kārkliņa, Toms Bartulsons, Māris Jundzis, Līga Lepse, Sarmīte Strautiņa and several scientists of the Latvian Biomedical Research and Study Center are taking part in it.

Breeding of ribes plants is significantly affected by the BRV virus. The local gene pool of Ribes was evaluated using improved research methodology and the collection of local genotypes was supplemented with recovered, most valuable variants of Latvian origin. Under the influence of the knowledge created, a state-supported blackcurrant breeding program has been renewed.

The 12th achievement is research on heterogeneous self-pollinated cereal populations – on their agronomic properties, changes under the influence of growing conditions, creation and improvement possibilities. Scientists Linda Legzdiņa, Māra Bleidere, Indra Ločmele, Vija Strazdiņa, Dace Piliksere, Valentina Feter, Ieva Mežak and Elīna Sokolova are involved in this project.

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