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Top Travel Destinations for May Day 2024 Revealed by Air China and OTAs

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The Rise‌ of National Tourism in the ​First Quarter⁢ of the Year

A recent⁢ study on national tourism in the first quarter of ‍this year revealed a significant ‍increase ‍in the ‍number of people entering and leaving the country, with a year-on-year growth of over 141 million individuals, a staggering rise of ⁢117.8%. Among them, there were ⁢13.074 million foreign tourists, showing a year-on-year increase of 305.2%.

Key Findings

  • Travel activity peaked⁢ during the May Day holiday, with bookings surging by 130% year after‍ year.⁢ The highest number of‌ tourists came from ⁣Japan, the United States, South Korea, Canada, Malaysia, Thailand, the United Kingdom, Australia, ‍Russia,‍ France, and other countries. Cities like Chengdu, Qingdao, Hangzhou, Chongqing, Xi’an, ‍and Kunming saw a significant increase in tourism, with Kunming, Chongqing, and Xi’an experiencing growth rates of 268%, 247%, and 200%⁤ year‍ after year.

Implications ‍and Trends

The‌ influx⁣ of ‍tourists into these‍ major‍ cities indicates a ⁣shift⁤ towards smaller, more off-the-beaten-path ‌destinations, with an increasing interest‍ in exploring lesser-known⁢ areas. This ⁤trend not only ‌benefits the local economies⁤ of these smaller towns but also ‍helps in spreading ‌tourism revenue more evenly across different ‍regions.

“The rise in tourism‍ numbers ⁣reflects a growing interest⁤ in exploring new and unique destinations, away ‍from ⁢the traditional⁣ tourist hotspots.”

Overall, the surge‍ in ⁣national​ tourism highlights the importance‌ of diversifying ⁢travel ⁣options and ‌promoting lesser-known destinations to ensure ​sustainable growth in the tourism⁣ sector.

Editorial ⁣Note: This article was written by⁢ Wen Jing.

By ⁤exploring the changing landscape of national tourism and the emerging trends⁣ in travel‌ preferences, we can better understand the evolving ⁤needs and‌ interests of modern travelers. Embracing these shifts and promoting a diverse range of destinations can lead to a more sustainable and inclusive tourism industry.

The Rise of National‌ Tourism: ⁢A New​ Era⁤ of ⁤Exploration

In the first quarter ⁢of this year, national tourism management agencies ⁢conducted a study that revealed a staggering increase ⁣of over 141‍ million ‌people entering and leaving the country, a ‌year-on-year ⁢increase of 117.8%. Among‍ them, 13.074 million were international tourists, showing a remarkable year-on-year increase of 305.2%.

The ⁣peak travel​ season fell during the May ⁢Day holiday, with booking orders soaring by‌ 130% year-on-year. ⁣The largest number of tourists came from Japan,⁤ the United States, South‌ Korea, Canada, Malaysia, Thailand, the United‍ Kingdom, Australia, Russia, France, and other countries. Cities like Chengdu, Qingdao, Hangzhou, Chongqing,⁢ Xi’an, and⁣ Kunming saw ⁤a significant ⁤increase in‍ tourism, with Kunming, Chongqing, and Xi’an experiencing growth rates of 268%, 247%, and 200% year-on-year, respectively.

This surge in national ⁢tourism signifies a shift⁤ towards smaller‌ cities becoming more‌ popular ‍destinations, with increased interest leaving a mark on⁢ the economy. The ‌growth in tourism presents both opportunities and challenges for these cities, as they navigate the influx of visitors and the need for sustainable development.

As we embrace this new era ⁢of exploration and‍ travel, it is essential⁤ for national tourism agencies ‍to focus on infrastructure⁣ development, sustainable tourism ‌practices, and cultural preservation. By investing in⁢ these areas, we can​ ensure​ that the rise in tourism benefits⁤ both the‌ local ‍communities​ and the ⁢visitors, creating a harmonious and‌ enriching travel experience for ‌all.

Let⁤ us seize this ⁢opportunity​ to celebrate the diversity and beauty of our country, welcoming travelers from near and far to ⁤explore the ‌wonders that ⁣await. Together, ‍we can build‌ a brighter future‌ for national tourism, one that promotes‍ cultural exchange, economic growth, and ⁢environmental sustainability for generations to come.

The ⁤Rise ⁣of ⁢National ‍Tourism in the First Quarter of the Year

A recent ⁢study ​on national ​tourism in the first‍ quarter‍ of this year revealed a significant increase⁣ in the‌ number‌ of people ⁤entering and leaving the‍ country, with ⁤over 141 million individuals traveling ‌in and out, marking a​ year-on-year growth⁢ of 117.8%. Among them, 13.074 million were‌ international tourists, showing a staggering annual increase ‍of 305.2%.

Key Findings

  • Travel activity‍ peaked during⁤ the May Day holiday, with ⁢a remarkable 130% year-on-year increase in bookings. The majority of tourists came from Japan, ⁢the United States,​ South Korea, ⁣Canada, ⁤Malaysia, Thailand, the United⁣ Kingdom, Australia, Russia, France, and other countries. Cities like Chengdu, Qingdao, Hangzhou, Chongqing, ​Xi’an, and Kunming saw a surge in tourism, with Kunming, Chongqing, ⁣and Xi’an experiencing growth rates of 268%, 247%, and 200% respectively.

“The influx of tourists into major‍ cities has doubled, with⁢ smaller⁣ towns experiencing even greater growth, leaving an ⁤intriguing impact on⁣ the economy.”

Looking Ahead

The data suggests a promising future ‍for the tourism industry, with opportunities for ⁣further expansion and development. As travel trends continue to evolve, it is essential for stakeholders to adapt to changing consumer preferences and market dynamics to⁤ ensure sustainable growth in⁤ the sector.

Overall, the​ surge in national tourism reflects a growing interest‍ in ⁤travel and exploration, highlighting the importance of strategic planning and infrastructure investment to⁢ support⁢ the influx of visitors‌ and enhance the overall tourism experience.

Editorial Note: This article was‌ written​ by Wen Jing.

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bhith nam bailtean-mòra ‌leis ​an ⁤fhàs as‍ luaithe ann an clàradh ⁢thaighean-òsta rè saor-làithean May Day. Tha⁣ rannsachaidhean airson “Semporna Pingti” Weihai, “Pingti Ear-dheas Àisia” Xishuangbanna agus‌ àiteachan eile air fàs gu mòr cuideachd.

Tha dàta ctrip a’‍ sealltainn gun⁢ do dh’ èirich òrdughan glèidhidh ‍thaighean-òsta ⁢ann am ⁣margaidh na siorrachd rè saor-làithean Latha Bealltainn ‍68% bliadhna an dèidh bliadhna, agus chaidh òrdughan tiogaid spot seallaidh suas 151% bliadhna ⁢an dèidh bliadhna, le ìre fàis nas àirde na an⁢ ìre fàis. mhargaidh nàiseanta.

Bidh a h-uile⁤ duine a ‘taghadh⁤ bailtean beaga airson saor-làithean oir tha e⁤ nas èifeachdaiche ‌a ​thaobh cosgais. Tha prìsean thaighean-òsta ann am bailtean ​beaga gu ⁤ìre mhath ⁤ìosal.

Tha biadh ⁤cuideachd air fàs ‌mar aon‍ de na prìomh adhbharan airson ‍siubhal. Bho ‌Zibo an-uiridh gu Tianshui⁤ am-bliadhna, tha barrachd is barrachd dhaoine òga deònach a dhol gu‌ baile-mòr airson na h-aon rudan‌ sònraichte ‌ionadail. Tha am ⁤blas ionadail sònraichte air cothroman​ gun ​chrìoch a thoirt do mhòran bhailtean beaga agus⁤ eadhon bailtean-turasachd neo-thraidiseanta a⁢ bha caran ìosal san àm⁣ a dh’ fhalbh.

Tha dàta Mafengwo⁣ a’ ‍sealltainn, rè saor-làithean Latha Bealltainn na bliadhna-sa, a⁤ bharrachd air Tianshui Malatang, a tha fhathast ⁣mòr-chòrdte, gun robh Liuzhou an urra ri dealas leannanan nòtan seilcheag gus a dhol gu mullach an liosta ⁤de chinn-uidhe bìdh sònraichte rè saor-làithean May Day le àrdachadh de 180% ann ‌an mòr-chòrdte. .‌ Tha Taizhou, le‌ a sheallaidhean brèagha agus biadh blasda, agus Leshan, a tha air a⁣ mholadh le Sichuanese a tha dèidheil air ithe, a ‘leantainn‍ gu dlùth air a chùlaibh.

An-dràsta, air àrd-ùrlar Tujia, tha 88% de na B&B ann an Jingdezhen air an reic a-mach, 86% de na B&Bs ann an Datong,⁤ 83% ann am Pingtan, agus 78% ann an Zibo… Margaidh B&B​ nàiseanta “Latha na‍ Cèite” air fàs nas motha, ged a⁤ tha​ cuid de bhailtean-mòra mòr-chòrdte Tha an àireamh glèidhidh⁢ de B&Bs air a dhol ⁢thairis air an clàr-seilbhe 80%, ach chan eil suidheachadh air a bhith ann⁣ fhathast far an​ robh e duilich seòmar a lorg ann an Zibo rè saor-làithean May Day‌ an-uiridh.

“Às deidh còrr air bliadhna, tha gnìomhachas B&B air a dhol bho shlànachadh gu fàs. Aig an àm seo, tha an taobh solair‌ air faighinn seachad air⁤ gu h-iomlan agus comasach air grunn roghainnean ​àite-fuirich ⁤a thoirt dha aoighean tro na saor-làithean.” Bidh oifigear Tujia B&B, fàs an taobh‍ solair, cuideachd a’ dèanamh prìsean B&B nas ruigsinneach. Rè na h-ùine “Latha ‍May”, thuit prìsean homestay​ ann am ⁢bailtean-mòra mòr-chòrdte air àrd-ùrlar Tujia beagan bliadhna an ‍dèidh bliadhna, leithid tuiteam 12% ann ⁤an Chongqing,⁤ tuiteam⁣ 17% ‍ann⁢ am Beijing, agus tuiteam 22% ann am Fuzhou .

Soirbheachas⁣ turasachd ​a-steach agus a-mach

Chan eil teagamh nach eil margaidh turasachd dachaigheil rè ùine Latha Bealltainn teth, ach tha an ‌ìre fàis nas⁣ luaithe‌ gu⁤ follaiseach anns a’ mhargaidh turasachd a-steach agus a-muigh. Leis gu bheil saor-làithean May Day a ‘mairsinn còig latha am-bliadhna, ⁤ma bheir thu trì ⁣latha dheth⁤ agus cuir ris an deireadh-sheachdain, nì e suas saor-làithean naoi⁢ latha, agus bidh an astar siubhail fada nas fhaide. Mar sin, bidh mòran luchd-turais a’ roghnachadh ​siubhal thall thairis air​ Latha ​Bealltainn.

Tha companaidhean-adhair cuideachd⁣ a’ leantainn air adhart ag ‍àrdachadh solar shlighean eadar-nàiseanta. Air 23 Giblean, dh’ ainmich Air China fosgladh agus ath-thòiseachadh ceithir slighean eadar-nàiseanta Beijing-Madrid-São Paulo a’ chiad⁤ slighe ⁤adhair dachaigheil gu Brasil ann an Ameireaga a-Deas.

Nochd Yan Fei,​ leas-mhanaidsear ​coitcheann Buidheann Adhair Nàiseanta Shìona agus iar-cheann-suidhe Air⁢ China, ‌gun till⁢ slighean eadar-nàiseanta agus roinneil as ‌t-samhradh​ agus⁤ as t-fhoghar 2024 gu ⁤84% de 2019, agus tha an tasgadh comas air slighean Eòrpach⁣ air ruighinn barrachd air 110% de 2019. Le fosgladh agus ath-thòiseachadh nan ceithir slighean sin, tha Air China air 452 slighe dachaigheil, eadar-nàiseanta agus roinneil ⁢obrachadh, a’ toirt ⁢a-steach 112 slighean eadar-nàiseanta agus⁣ roinneil “Bidh na slighean fosgailte do 36 bailtean-mòra agus ruigidh an àireamh de shlighean 60.

Mar thoradh air ath-thòiseachadh​ slighean eadar-nàiseanta agus ⁣solar nas⁤ fheàrr, tha siubhal a-muigh May Day am-bliadhna nas èifeachdaiche a ‌thaobh cosgais ​na ‌an-uiridh. Tha dàta Fliggy a’ sealltainn, rè saor-làithean May Day, gun do thuit prìs ceannach ⁤tiogaideannal source or⁤ website.

The Rise of National Tourism: A‍ New Era

In⁢ the first quarter of this year, there has been a significant increase in national tourism, with ⁤over 141 million people coming in and⁢ out of the country, a year-on-year increase of ⁤117.8%. Among them, 13.074‍ million were ⁣international tourists, a year-on-year increase of 305.2%.

The peak season for travel falls on ⁣the⁣ May Day holiday, with booking orders ⁣up ⁢by ‌130% year on year. The largest number of tourists are coming from ‍Japan, the United States, South Korea,​ Canada,‍ Malaysia, Thailand, the United Kingdom, Australia, ⁢Russia, France, and other countries.‍ Cities like ‍Chengdu,⁤ Qingdao, Hangzhou, ‍Chongqing, Xi’an, and Kunming ⁤are seeing⁤ a surge⁢ in ⁤tourism, with Kunming, Chongqing, and Xi’an ​experiencing⁢ growth rates of 268%, 247%, and 200% year ⁢on year.

Exploring New ⁣Horizons

This increase in national tourism ​signifies a new era of exploration and discovery.‌ As ⁣smaller⁢ towns become more popular and ‍interest ⁢shifts towards off-the-beaten-path⁣ destinations, there is a⁢ wealth of opportunities for growth and success in the tourism industry.

With the rise of domestic travel, there is a chance to ‍showcase ⁢the ⁢unique culture and‍ beauty of lesser-known ‍areas, attracting both local and international visitors. ⁤By⁢ promoting sustainable and responsible tourism practices, we can ensure that these destinations remain preserved ​for future⁢ generations to enjoy.

Innovative Solutions for ⁢Sustainable ​Tourism

As the tourism industry continues to expand, it is essential to implement innovative solutions to​ manage‌ the influx of visitors and protect the‍ environment. This could include the development of eco-friendly accommodations, the ⁣promotion of local‍ artisans ⁤and businesses,⁢ and the⁤ establishment ⁣of ⁤conservation‌ efforts⁢ to ​preserve natural habitats.

By embracing technology and digital platforms, we can ⁤enhance the overall⁢ travel experience and ‍provide visitors with valuable information about the destinations they are exploring. This can help to create a ‌more⁤ immersive and engaging journey for travelers, while also​ promoting responsible tourism practices.

Overall, the rise of⁤ national tourism presents ‍a wealth of ⁢opportunities for growth and development in the industry. By embracing innovation and sustainability, ⁣we can ensure that ‌these trends ⁤continue to thrive and benefit​ both travelers and the​ destinations they visit.

Editor:⁤ Wen Jing

Exploring the Growth‌ of National Tourism

Exploring​ the Growth of National Tourism

In a recent report by the National Immigration Administration, it was ‍revealed that the national tourism ‌industry experienced a significant increase in the first quarter of this year, ‌with over ⁢141 ⁣million people ‍entering and leaving ‌the ⁤country, a year-on-year growth ​of 117.8%. Among them, 13.074 ‍million were tourists, ‌showing a staggering annual growth of 305.2%.

The peak travel season during the Labor Day holiday was particularly noteworthy, with a 130%‍ year-on-year increase in visitor numbers. The largest number of tourists came from⁢ Japan, the United States, South⁢ Korea, Canada, Malaysia, Thailand, the United Kingdom, Australia,⁢ Russia, France,‌ and other‌ countries. Cities like Chengdu, Qingdao, Hangzhou, Chongqing, ⁢Xi’an, and Kunming saw a doubling of tourism, with Kunming, ⁢Chongqing, ‌and Xi’an experiencing ⁤growth rates of 268%, 247%, and 200%⁣ respectively year-on-year.

Editor: Wen Jing

Proposed Solutions for Sustainable Tourism Growth

The rapid growth of national tourism presents​ both⁢ opportunities and challenges. To⁣ ensure sustainable⁣ development in the‍ industry, ​it is essential to focus on the following​ key areas:

  1. Infrastructure ⁢Development: Invest in improving​ transportation networks, accommodation facilities, and tourist attractions​ to enhance the overall visitor experience.
  2. Environmental Conservation: Implement eco-friendly practices and promote responsible tourism to preserve natural resources and reduce the industry’s ecological ⁣footprint.
  3. Cultural Exchange: Foster cultural exchange‍ programs to promote mutual understanding between tourists and ⁤local communities, enriching the travel experience for all parties involved.
  4. Technology Integration: Embrace digital ⁢innovation to streamline booking‍ processes, enhance communication with tourists, and‌ provide personalized experiences based on data analytics.

By ‍addressing these aspects, the national tourism industry can ⁢achieve sustainable growth while preserving⁤ the⁤ country’s natural and cultural heritage ‌for‍ future generations to⁢ enjoy.

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