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Top Ranking Title: The Dangers of Ear Picking and Spinning: Causes, Symptoms, and How to Keep Your Ears Safe


  • Every time I feel itchy in my ears You have to pick cotton bucks and ‘pick your ears or shake them’ to stop the itching. And is often considered a good way to clean the ears. But in reality, picking and spinning your ears may cause permanent hearing loss.
  • If the ears are in good condition, they should not be picked. The ears should be cleaned only from the outside. If there is a need to clean the ear canal, it should be done by a medical professional.
  • Anyone who likes to use headphones to play music loudly, pick at their ears often, likes to go diving, go out at night, and have a quiet way of life. and addicted to eating salty foods All of these behaviors can cause abnormalities in the ears.

The body’s natural mechanism can remove earwax by chewing food. and general conversation, ear picking may not be used to clean the ears correctly There is also a risk of harm to the ears.

Using a Q-Tip or a cotton swab to pick your ear It will cause the stimulation of the glands that produce earwax. When there is more and more earwax And even more so when using a Q-Tip to pick your ear. It doesn’t cause the earwax to come out completely. Instead, it pushes the earwax to make it firmly in the ear. deeper Resulting in earwax blockage, especially in children and the elderly. I am at an age where I still can’t tell about symptoms related to my ears.

As for tinnitus, it can occur for many reasons. Spinning or picking your ears may not improve your tinnitus. And there may be many complications that follow. Doctors usually do not recommend picking and spinning the ears yourself if there are abnormal symptoms such as ringing in the ears, ear pain, ear itching, or decreased hearing. There is pus coming out of the ear. You should see a doctor to find the cause, make a diagnosis, and receive the correct treatment.

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Dangers of ear picking and ear spinning

Dr. Nawarat Apirakkittikul Lecturer, Department of Otolaryngology, Faculty of Medicine, Ramathibodi Hospital Mahidol University said that ear spinning can cause damage to the ear, such as the ear canal and eardrum. They may have the following symptoms or conditions:

  • A wound in the ear, with ear pain, tinnitus, and possibly blood or pus flowing from the ear.
  • Otitis externa There is itching in the ear, ear pain, tinnitus, decreased hearing, and there may be lymph or pus flowing from the ear canal. Some people who are infected and develop abscesses may also have a fever.
  • ear infection
  • Tinnitus, such as from earwax blockage
  • A perforated eardrum will cause severe pain in the ear. Hearing loss possible
  • Earwax blockage is characterized by ear fullness, tinnitus, and decreased hearing.
  • Bleeding in the ear canal, such as from a wound in the ear canal

How necessary is it to pick earwax? Check the advantages and disadvantages

When picking your own ears, besides not being able to pick out all the wax because you can’t see clearly, It may also cause damage to the outer ear. It consists of the ear, ear canal, and eardrum.

  • Ear wax is similar to scurf and can fall off naturally.
  • The earwax will fall out when chewing or moving the mouth.
  • Except in people with constricted or too narrow ear canals from birth.
  • This causes the expulsion of earwax to be abnormal as well.
  • Picking your ears is usually not necessary, and using a cotton bud can have negative consequences.
  • Adverse effects of using cotton buds to pick the ears

  • Some of the earwax is forced to become stuck in the eardrum, causing the earwax to become clogged.
  • Causing the outer lining to become abrasive. If the abrasion comes in contact with bacteria It will cause an infection in the outer ear.
  • Earwax is stuck in the eardrum for a long time. Inflammation of the eardrum lining may occur.
  • Causes tinnitus or decreased hearing.
  • Picking and spinning your ears can cause hearing loss.

    Dr. Natthaphong Wongwiwat, Deputy Director-General of the Department of Medical Services, said that frequent ear picking or spinning is not necessary. This is because human earwax is created to help protect against foreign objects. Helps coat the ear canal and has the effect of killing bacteria Without earwax, the ear canal will become dry and itchy. Most people understand that earwax is dirt in the body that must be removed, so they pick or grind their ears frequently.

    “In fact, earwax can come out by itself or what is called Self-Cleaning Mechanism is the process of gradually cleaning yourself. The earwax and peeling skin will gradually disappear. Moves out to the mouth of the ear and falls out. Therefore, cleaning the ears using cotton swabs and ear drops is not necessary except in some people. For people whose earwax is sticky and moves out slowly This causes the earwax to gather into lumps inside the ear. Resulting in tinnitus, pain and fullness in the ear. In such cases, you should see a doctor to clean the ear canal. You should not pick it yourself because it will cause the clogged earwax to be pushed deeper.”

    If the ears are in good condition, they should not be picked. The ears should be cleaned only from the outside. If there is a need to clean the ear canal, it should be done by a medical professional. The doctor will use an endoscope inside the ear. And use tools to remove earwax without touching the mucosa or ear walls.

    Additionally, loud noises should be avoided. Because loud noises will directly affect the inner ear and cause the hearing to deteriorate quickly. However, if abnormal symptoms are found, you should immediately see a doctor for proper diagnosis and treatment.

    Risky behaviors that cause ear problems

    Our lifestyle and behavior also have an effect on our ears causing various symptoms. and risk hearing loss By behaviors that are risky to the ears are as follows

    1. Like using headphones…turning on loud music.

    When I go anywhere alone, I have to wear headphones to listen to music to relieve loneliness. Sometimes he likes to fantasize and likes to create emotions according to the concept of a heartbroken person. By playing music loudly, over 80 decibels, until the walls of the house shake. These behaviors are here! That will cause your hearing to deteriorate prematurely.

    2. Pick your ears often…because you think it’s good

    In the morning, I pick it out. Before going to bed, I pick it because I understand that the ‘earwax’ that I have is dirty and must be picked out. In fact, earwax has a duty to prevent foreign objects from entering the ear, whether it be insects, powder or dust. Including destroying bacteria If we pick out all the wax from the ear… then there will be no armor to protect the ear from danger.

    3. When I have free time… I have to go diving.

    Relaxing activities like diving It may not be an activity that is very good for the auditory nerve. Because when we have to dive underwater Underwater pressure creates compression on the head. and organs in the ear canal And if the pressure cannot be adjusted during diving It may result in Barotruama or ear pain caused by unbalanced pressure.

    4. Likes to travel…following the Teed way

    We all know the nightlife spots. is a place with high sound pressure levels or approximately 100-120 decibels. Being in a place with this level of noise Even though it doesn’t last up to 8 hours, if you travel regularly for a long time, May cause premature hearing loss.

    5.Addicted to eating ‘salty’ foods

    Not only the habit of listening to loud noises frequently, but also eating habits, especially ‘eating very salty foods’ on a regular basis, can cause the hearing nerve to deteriorate quickly. Because eating salt accumulates for a long time. This causes the water ducts in the inner ear to bulge and rupture, causing an uneven balance of mineral salts. Or as we call it ‘Uneven fluid in the ears’ because the auditory nerve is a fragile thing. If you notice that you have to turn on the TV loudly. To hear the voice clearly or often hear loud noises in the ears That may be a warning sign of deterioration. that must be treated quickly before it becomes ‘Permanent hearing loss’

    How to pick earwax Keep your ears safe.

    For guidelines for treatment If the ear has an abnormality The doctor will assess the injury to the ear. and eardrum and treat external ear infections first In general, up to 90% of the perforations can close on their own. The doctor will make appointments to monitor the condition on an ongoing basis. and hearing assessment If the hole does not close by itself within 3 months and there is hearing loss. or there is a loud noise The doctor will consider surgery to close the eardrum.

    As for how to pick out earwax that is safe? It is done by a medical expert. The doctor will make an endoscope inside the ear. and use tools to remove earwax Without touching the mucosa or ear wall if unable to see a doctor. You can pick your own ears as follows.

    • Clean in front and behind the ears.
    • Use a little baby oil or hydrogen peroxide (Hydrogen Peroxide) to drip into the ear canal. To soften the earwax Can be easily removed
    • Tilt your head to one side and use a tool, such as a Q-tip, to poke into your ear. and pick out the earwax as gently as possible
    • When finished Clean the ears and ears with baby oil Then wipe dry

    Precautions for picking ears

    • You should use a cotton bud to clean only the ear area. and around the mouth of the ear only
    • Ear picking equipment should not be reused at all. You should use it once and discard it.
    • People who have an allergic reaction to baby oil and allergic to hydrogen peroxide These liquids should be avoided when picking your ears.
    • Avoid using various liquids. used for ear picking Especially alcohol and water because they will make the ears too dry. Moreover, if it flows into the inner ear Inflammation and irritation may occur, leading to otitis media.
    • If there are abnormal symptoms such as water entering the ear and tinnitus. or feeling that water has not yet come out of the ear You should absolutely not insert any device into your ear. You should see a doctor.

    If the ears are in good condition You should not pick your ears. Or do you really need to clean your ears? Should be done by a doctor. In addition, after doing activities such as diving or swimming, there are often symptoms of abnormalities occurring in the ears. due to water entering the ear There may be dirt included in it. The mechanism for removing ear wax is abnormal. If you have ear pain Hearing a soft sound and having pus or odor coming from the ear. You should see a doctor immediately.

    refer: Department of Medical Services ,Faculty of Medicine Ramathibodi Hospital Mahidol University ,Synphaet Hospital ,Paolo Hospital

    2024-02-03 08:34:00

    #careful #Picking #ears #frequently #dangerous #hearing #loss

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