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Top High Intensity Swimming Routines: HIIT Workout Routines To Burn Body Fat

You probably already know that swimming is probably one of the best activities for exercising your whole body. When it comes to swimming, the health benefits are almost endless. There are many swimming routines out there that can help you burn calories and keep you in shape, but which one is the best? You can’t really go wrong with any swimming program, but did you know that you can dramatically increase your fat burning potential by implementing high-intensity interval training? With the addition of “HIIT”, regular swimming becomes a high-intensity swimming routine that burns fat like crazy!

What Does a HIIT Workout Routine Consist of?

If you’re not used to high-intensity interval training, then you’ll be amazed at how fast and efficient your workout can be. Commonly referred to as HIIT, this type of exercise requires a short period of maximum activity combined with a recovery period with minimal effort. A 30-second sprint with a 1-minute walk or jog is the normal pattern for intervals. Cardio done in this way is very beneficial. Not only does it burn a lot of calories in a short amount of time, but post-workout calorie burn is maximized more than traditional cardio.

What Happens When You Combine HIIT With Steady State Cardio?

Steady state cardio is when you do an activity at a constant pace for a longer duration. Since it may take several hours to achieve the same calorie-burning ability as a HIIT workout, it doesn’t make sense to go that route. But when you combine HIIT with steady-state cardio, amazing things happen. HIIT will actually cause fat cells to be released into the bloodstream as free fatty acids. So when HIIT is over, we’ll introduce steady-state cardio to burn free fatty acids. To recap, short bursts of energy release fatty acids in the bloodstream while steady state cardio burns them off.

What’s Your High Intensity Swimming Routine Like?


1) Warm up briefly by swimming a few laps

2) Swimming freestyle (sprint) for 30 seconds

3) Light swimming or rowing (rest) for 1 minute

Note: Do this for 15-20 minutes. 30 seconds of sprinting (swimming) followed by 1 minute of jogging (rowing). If you do get gassy from HIIT, you can extend your break to 2 minutes.

Stable Cardio

1) Swim laps at an easy to moderate pace for 15-30 minutes

Note: The entire workout should not take longer than a total of 45 minutes. This exercise can be done 3-4 times a week.

Natural Increase in HGH Levels From High Intensity Swimming

HGH is short for human growth hormone. HGH is a powerful hormone involved in burning fat and even maintaining muscle mass. Increased levels of HGH do not have to come from illegal drugs or injections, but can be naturally produced by the body. There are several ways to increase HGH but we will stick to how it can be done with intense swimming exercises. High-intensity exercise and fasting will naturally increase HGH levels. So to optimize the benefits we can combine the two for maximum fat burning effect.

1) Begin your swimming routine in a fasted state. This means you won’t be consuming a single calorie 3-4 hours before your workout. Practice on an empty stomach.

2) Wait 1-2 hours after your workout to eat. Waiting to eat will maximize the release of HGH after intense exercise.

3) Fasting 1-2 times a week will also increase HGH levels which helps burn more fat and helps maintain muscle mass.

Amazing Fat Loss Results In No Time

Sticking to a high-intensity swimming routine like the one above will do wonders with fat loss but it’s also gentle on your joints. Since swimming is a no-impact sport, you can do as much as you want without risking injury. Another great reason to use a HIIT workout routine in the pool is that it keeps you cool without breaking a sweat.

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