Home » Health » Top Foods to Melt Abdominal Fat: Walnuts, Legumes, Green Salad, Yogurt, Lean Meat, and Eggs

Top Foods to Melt Abdominal Fat: Walnuts, Legumes, Green Salad, Yogurt, Lean Meat, and Eggs

Abdominal fat can create a special nuisance at certain times. How do you know which foods can help you melt it, more or less?

In the article:

Find out from the following lines, what exactly are the foods that can melt belly fat.

In addition, discover how they can help you exactly in the change you want to make.

Walnuts and almonds

The first foods that can be consumed to reduce abdominal fat are nuts and almonds. They contain healthy fats, Omega 3 and have an unsuspected source of energy.

“There are several foods that we must include in our diet. We start with walnuts and almonds, they are oily fruits, we must include them in our diet, thanks to the healthy fats, they are a very good source of Omega 3. They should be consumed as a snack during the day, and the recommended amount it would be somewhere around 20-30 grams, because they have a fairly high caloric load. We can eat them as a snack, 2-3 hours after having a main meal, they will also be a source of energy.”,

explained Mario Popescu, nutritionist.

Foods that melt belly fat

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Also, among these foods are, of course, legumes. These are the ones that come packed with fiber, protein, vitamins and minerals.

“These are some foods that we can introduce into our diet and we can consume them without any worries. They are very rich in protein, almost complete protein. They also come packed with fiber, fibers that also help us with intestinal transit, help prevent diseases of the cardiovascular system. Also, carbohydrates with a low glycemic index. What does this mean? By introducing them into our diet, they will not impact blood sugar much and will give energy throughout the day, during 4-5 hours.

We can combine legumes with rice. The most famous combination is rice with peas, it will provide us with a complete meal, vitamins and a lot of minerals. So we can eat them either in creamy soups, hummus with wholemeal bread and then we have a complete and healthy meal.”, the specialist mentioned.

Foods that melt belly fat

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Green salt

And green salad could not be missing from the list, given the fact that it contains countless beneficial properties for the body, including enzymes and vitamins.

“General advice to women who are worried about water retention, there is no problem, the water in the salad has other properties. It can even be associated with what food we want, less so with fruit. We can associate it either with legumes or with a portion of wholemeal pasta, whether we eat it in the morning for breakfast with eggs or with meat, and it is even recommended to include greens at every meal, because they also help a lot much digestion, they ease the digestive process, because they have a lot of enzymes and are a source of vitamins”, he explained.

Skimmed yogurt

Skimmed yogurt is the recommended one, but not totally skimmed, and partially skimmed, which contains essential fats for the body.

“Yogurt should be consumed at most, partially skimmed, we don’t have to worry about those 2-3 g of fat, because they are fats that we must have in our diet, they also have the role their role in hormone synthesis. That’s why we don’t have to worry if we consume 200-300 grams of yogurt or kefir, to worry about the fat, because the process they go through is completely defatted, it’s much more harmful than those 2-3 grams of fat that are really essential.”, added the specialist.

Foods that melt belly fat

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Lean meat

Meat is also on the list, specifically chicken, turkey and sometimes beef, types of meat from which we get our sufficient dose of iron.

“Lean meat, chicken, turkey meat, without skin, because the skin on the meat contains a lot of cholesterol. We can also eat beef once or twice a week, the recommended portion is 100-150 g per day, we have enough iron.”, he scored.

Foods that melt belly fat

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We can also eat eggs for breakfast without any problems. Of course not fried, but only boiled, poached and scrambled, to get our dose of vitamins, proteins and minerals from them.

“Eggs are a very good source of protein, less fried and associated with fried potatoes. We can eat them either scrambled or boiled, poached, less fried. They are a very good source of protein, the white in particular contains protein, and the yolk contains a lot of vitamins and minerals.”, concluded the specialist.

Foods that melt belly fat

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2023-08-02 16:55:29
#Foods #melt #belly #fat #Surprising #Foods #Melt #Belly #Fat #Naturally

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