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Top Foods to Avoid for Stable Blood Sugar Levels: A Guide for Diabetics

TRIBUNHEALTH.COM – Uncontrolled blood sugar can cause various health problems, especially for those who have diabetes.

One factor that influences blood sugar is the consumption of certain foods and drinks.

This article will discuss a number of types of food and drinks that need to be avoided in order to keep blood sugar stable.

From rice to fizzy drinks, let’s review their impact on blood sugar levels.

Adopt from page Bold Sky and some scientific articles, the following foods should be avoided in order to prevent blood sugar spikes:

1. White rice

white rice illustration (health.kompas.com)

White rice has a high glycemic index, which means it can cause a rapid spike in blood sugar levels after consumption.

The glycemic index measures how quickly a food increases blood sugar levels after consumption.

White rice consists mainly of simple carbohydrates that are easily digested and quickly absorbed by the body.

Once consumed, white rice can cause a significant increase in blood sugar.

For people with diabetes, good blood sugar control involves choosing complex carbohydrates that are slower to digest and provide a more stable increase in blood sugar.

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As an alternative, diabetics are advised to choose healthier carbohydrate sources, such as brown rice, quinoa, barley, or other whole carbohydrate sources.

These complex carbohydrates tend to provide a slower release of energy, helping prevent sharp blood sugar spikes.

Apart from that, controlling portions is also an important part of managing blood sugar for diabetes sufferers.

2. Pasta

Pasta illustration (pixabay)

Pasta is a source of carbohydrates, and like white rice, it can also affect blood sugar levels.

However, the impact of pasta on blood sugar can vary depending on several factors, including the type of pasta used, the number of servings, and how the pasta is served.

Pasta made from regular wheat flour has a high glycemic index, which can cause a rapid increase in blood sugar levels.

Diabetics should consider replacing white pasta with healthier alternatives, such as whole wheat pasta or pasta made from other raw materials that are rich in fiber.

Whole wheat pasta tends to have a lower glycemic index and provides additional fiber that helps control sugar absorption.

Also read: Thoroughly examine the benefits of basil leaves for health, help control blood sugar in diabetes patients

2024-03-01 05:22:44
#Foods #Drinks #Diabetes #Sufferers #Avoid #Maintain #Stable #Blood #Sugar #Tribun #Health

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