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Top Foods to Avoid for Autoimmune Diseases: A Comprehensive Guide

KOMPAS.com – People with autoimmune diseases need to avoid some foods that can exacerbate their condition.

Quoting Medical News Today, autoimmune diseases can cause inflammation, fatigue, which are common symptoms.

Foods that people with autoimmune diseases need to avoid are those that can help reduce inflammation and worsen overall condition.

Also read: What is an Autoimmune Disease?

Clinical nutrition doctor dr. Erwin Christianto Sp.GK, M.Gz said that people with autoimmune disease (ODAI) need to avoid foods that contain gluten.

“It is important to avoid foods that contain gluten, especially those with special conditions such as autoimmune,” said dr. Erwin in the Indonesian Association of Clinical Nutrition Specialists (PDGKI), as quoted by Antara on Monday (3/7/2023).

What are examples of these foods, will be reviewed in this article.

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List of foods to avoid for autoimmune sufferers

Quoting Well Theory, the following types of food should be avoided by people with autoimmune diseases:

Legumes contain plant compounds lectins. Lectins have the potential to damage the intestinal lining by increasing intestinal permeability.

Intestinal permeability is the absorption property of the intestine which refers to how easily substances pass through the intestines, including those of harmful bacteria.

That can affect the gut microbiome, which plays a critical role in inflammation.

Therefore legumes should be avoided. Examples of these foods are peas, green beans, chickpeas, soybeans and lentils.

Nuts are one of the most common food allergens. Therefore, nuts should be avoided by people with autoimmune diseases.

These foods are, for example, cashews, walnuts, hazelnuts, and almonds.

Also read: Food Guide for People with Autoimmune Diseases that Need to Know

Grains also contain plant compounds lectins, just like legumes.

This can damage the intestinal lining and gut flora, making people with autoimmune diseases prone to inflammation.

Examples of foods that include grains are rice, wheat, barley, corn, chia seeds, sesame seeds, and kuaci.

Nightshade vegetables are vegetables from a member of the plant family called Solamaceae.

This plant group is rich in lectins. Examples of nightshade vegetables include potatoes, tomatoes, peppers and eggplants.

Eggs and milk contain dietary cholesterol and saturated fat.

Consuming foods rich in cholesterol and saturated fat is associated with increased levels of inflammation in the body.

Additionally, cow’s milk and eggs are among the eight most common allergens, making them foods that people with autoimmune diseases should avoid.

Also read: 4 Ways to Treat Autoimmune Diseases that You Need to Know

Red meat contains saturated fat, which can increase inflammation.

Saturated fat intake is associated with increased cytokine production which plays a role in increasing the inflammatory response (pro-inflammatory).

Thus, eating large amounts of red meat is associated with increased levels of inflammation.

People with autoimmune disorders don’t need to avoid these foods completely, but choose high-quality, grass-fed meat for their entire lifespan.

It will be higher in omega-3 fatty acids and lower in omega-6 fatty acids, which can be beneficial for inflammation levels.

Added sugar, refined sugar, refined sugar, sugar alcohols, are sugars that have no nutritional value.

Without fiber, sugar more easily enters the bloodstream and causes a spike in blood glucose.

Over time, spikes in blood sugar can lead to higher levels of inflammation.

Also read: Signs of Autoimmune Disease to Watch Out for

Similar to nuts and seeds, seed oils, such as canola, sunflower, and soybean should also be avoided by people with autoimmune diseases.

Highly processed oil is also similar to refined sugar which is easy to increase trade.

Coffee and alcohol should also be avoided by people with autoimmune diseases because they increase the permeability of the intestinal lining.

As a result, it can weaken and allow particles such as pathogens to more easily pass through the gut.

Quoting Medical News Today, a strict diet usually needs to be followed by people with autoimmune diseases for several weeks supervised by a doctor.

Slowly they will be introduced to the food again and the doctor and patient will record their reactions carefully.

A reaction, such as a spike in symptoms, may indicate that they should exclude that food in the long term.

Also read: 10 Types of Autoimmune Diseases in Children to Watch Out for

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2023-07-06 05:01:00
#Foods #People #Autoimmune #Diseases #Avoid #Kompas.com

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