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Top Foods Rich in Prebiotics for Improved Digestive Health and Immune System

Foods rich in prebiotics are important for the body, especially because they improve digestive health and also the immune system. Therefore, here are the best prebiotics you should include in your menu!

Prebiotics are food compounds that support the growth and activity of beneficial bacteria in the intestinal tract. These substances contribute to the development and maintenance of a healthy intestinal microbiota, support the proper functioning of the immune system, improve the absorption of minerals and potentiate the reduction of inflammation in the intestine.

Read also: Prebiotics, also useful for the skin? The reasons why it is good to choose care products with prebiotics

Onion, leek, garlic

With so many benefits to the body, prebiotics must be part of your menu, but which foods contain them? On the short list: onions, leeks and garlic. According to “Real Simple”, they are the best sources of prebiotics, “due to plant compounds and high content of oligosaccharides, including inulin”, a substance that helps lower cholesterol and increases the number of good bacteria in the gut.


Oats should also be part of your diet, as they are one of the best sources of soluble fiber and “a powerful prebiotic,” the publication notes. Whether you choose oatmeal or oatmeal, this cereal will satisfy your hunger for a longer period of time than any other food.

See also: Probiotics or prebiotics – find out which are better


Add flax seeds to your shopping list! They are a rich source of fiber, which helps regulate intestinal transit. According to the mentioned source, these seeds should be ground before consumption so that they pass through the digestive system undigested and you can enjoy the benefits.

Marine seaweed

If you haven’t tried eating seaweed before, find out that it’s worth at least trying it for the benefits it brings to the body. Whether you choose to eat nori, wakame or spirulina, all algae are rich sources of prebiotics, polyunsaturated fats, minerals and vitamins.

Complete your shopping list!

The list of foods rich in prebiotics also includes the following:

Legumes: beans, peas, lentils; Berries: raspberries, blueberries, blackberries, strawberries; Cocoa and foods containing it, such as dark chocolate; Whole grains: oats, rye.

Photo credit: Shutterstock

2023-07-28 08:04:36
#natural #sources #prebiotics #importance #body #Click #women

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